Algorithm to run CuttingPlane algorithm in generalized inverses
To run CuttingPlane use (list_g,time_FV) = CuttingPlane(A,r)
Input: a rank-r matrix A as numpy array and the rank r
list_g: a list with information about each iteration of the algorithm, as described below:
list_g[x][0] = Total number of P2 constraints applied
list_g[x][1] = 1-norm of H
list_g[x][2] = rank of H (number of singular values greater than 10**(-5))
list_g[x][3] = Number of elements of H with absolute values greater than 10**(-5)
list_g[x][4] = Number of elements of R with absolute values greater than 10**(-5) (R = HAA+ - H)
list_g[x][5] = Percentage of elements of H that satisfy P2.
list_g[x][6] = Frobenius-norm of R
list_g[x][7] = Elapsed time to optimize the problem in that specific iteration
time_FV: total elapsed time to run the algorithm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import math
from numpy import linalg as LA
import numpy as np
import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB
from sklearn.utils.extmath import randomized_svd
M ='example.mat')
A= M['A']
r = 10
(list_g,time_FV) = CuttingPlane(A,r)