NPM package for the tapfiliate package.
A fork of the tapfiliate-package found here:
Install this package
npm i tapfiliate
Load package into the file
cont Tapfiliate = require('tapfiliate');
Initialize the object by passing the API Key as a parameter
const tapfiliate = Tapfiliate('<api-key>');
This is a bridge between a NodeJS application and the Tapfiliate API. The current API version used is Tapfiliate 1.6
All the functions return a promise. To use the await keyword, these functions must be called in an async function. The regular .then( )
syntax can also be used in a synchronous context.
// Create Affiliate
await tapfiliate.createAffiliate(firstName, lastName, email, password);
// Add Affiliate to Program
await tapfiliate.addAffiliateToProgram(affiliateID, programID, approved);
// Create New Conversion
await tapfiliate.createConversion(visitorID, externalID, commissionType);
// Add Commission to conversion
await tapfiliate.addCommissionToConversion(conversionID, commissionAmount, commissionType);
Note: All parameters are required.