The Julia implementation of the next-generation GSEA is hundreds of times faster and incorporates new information-theoretic algorithms.
Check out CLSGCTGMT.jl.
using GSEA
joinpath(homedir(), "Downloads"),
joinpath("example", "sarcopenia", "target_x_sample_x_number.tsv"),
joinpath("example", "sarcopenia", "feature_x_sample_x_number.tsv"),
joinpath("example", "sarcopenia", "set_features.json");
number_of_permutations = 10,
more_sets_to_plot = ["WP_DNA_MISMATCH_REPAIR", "WP_CELL_CYCLE"],
gsea metric-rank \
~/Downloads \
example/sarcopenia/target_x_sample_x_number.tsv \
example/sarcopenia/feature_x_sample_x_number.tsv \
example/sarcopenia/set_features.json \
--number-of-permutations 10 \
We plan to sign this app for macOS soon. In the meantime, please enable third-party apps.
Download and extract the latest release.
julia --project deps/build.jl
If you have any questions, issues, or concerns, please feel free to open a GitHub issue.
Made by Kata 🥋