RectangularReverbZones is a Unity plugin that allows for rectangular-shaped reverb zones. Rooms are not spherical, so why are Audio Reverb Zones?
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Audio Reverb Zones are the default option for reverb in Unity, so let's see what they're like for comparison. Disable the Rectangular Reverb Zones and enable the Not Needed Spherical Reverb Zones. Press play and press the 'C' key to play a clap SFX.
You can position the player outside of the room and reverb will still be applied!
Now try out the Rectangular Reverb Zones. Disable the Not Needed Spherical Recerb Zones and enable the Rectangular Reverb Zones. Play the game and you will find that the Rectangular Reverb Zones use the same reverb presets yet do not have reverberation that bleeds out of the room.
You can add your own rectangular reverb zones via Audio > Rectangular Reverb Zones.
To help improve performance considerably, from version 1.0.1 it is required that any audio sources have the RRZScript attached to them. For an audio sources you add, simply drag RRZCheck into the inspector, like in the image below.