welcome this is an app designed to allow you to control an ev3 robot running ev3dev using a steering wheel
make sure your steering wheel is compatible go to https://hardwaretester.com/gamepad
- is your wheel recognized? if its not then check drivers and pc compaitblity
- can you see the wheels rotaithon in one of the axis?
- are the pedals combined into one axis? if it isnt check your settings for an opithon to enable it
downlod all the code on here to your pc, run configCreator.py and follow the instrucithons
connect your ev3 to bluetooth then download ManageData.py, client.py, config.py to your ev3 then run server.py wait for it to say "server ready" then run client.py on ev3
im using pygame for inputs becuse its the best thing i could find but its made for games, so i made a 1x1 display and you have to have it be the active window inorder for the program to read your steering wheel