Small script to create a pixel animation based on an image. Script will draw image on canvas, create pixels out of image and then animate those pixels to render the image at the end.
This script is based on the work of Louis Hoebregts @Mamboleoo on codepen: https://codepen.io/Mamboleoo/pen/obWGYr. I took his algorithm, put it into a class and customized it with different options.
try out on https://mevimedia.de/pixelizer
import Pixelizer
import 'Pixelizer' from './pixelizer.js'
create new Instance with data-object:
let pixelizer = new Pixelizer({data})
data = {
canvas: '#canvas', -> mandatory: DOM-Selector for canvas element
src: './image.svg', -> mandatory: Source for image file. can be svg, png, jpeg.
options: { -> optional parameters:
pixelRadius = 5, // size of pixels
amount = 150, // amount of pixel
threshhold = 150, //range: 1-254, threshhold for pixel values from original img
colors = ["#FFFFFF"], // array with colors for random colorization of pixels
verticalDistribution = 5, // how far pixels fly around vertically
horizontalDistribution = 5, // how far pixels fly around horizontally
friction = false, // if friction is true, pixels will not head straight to destination. if true, speed is ignored
frictionValue = 1, // range: 1-10, define variation of
autoinit = true // wether animation starts on instance creation. if set to false, init animation with pixelizer.init()
speed = 100 // 1-1000: how fast pixels will get to destination