This is the job test if you wish to be a web developer at Twentyfour
When you have completed this test you will have demonstrated skills/knowledge in
- git
- html
- css
- js/jQuery
- Bootstrap
Apply responsivness, make sure that the page look good on the following media queries:
- Mobile - 375px
- Tablet - 768px
- Desktop - 1200px
Search functionality:
- You should be able to search through the content of the site
- Create a slider that changes the image and quote text upon sliding.
Read more button:
- Use a click event to show the rest of the text
Pagination :
- You should be able to navigate through the articles. Make sure you have at least 15 articles.
- Use at least 1 loop and 1 click event
To complete this test.
- Fork this repository
- Create a website based on the interactive webdesign (it is not required to use the images in the design)
- Create a pull request to this repository
You can find the interactive webdesign here to explore: Interactive webdesign
The design consists of a Frontpage design and mobile design. All images and icons can be found in the assets folder including the logo. You will also find a Styleguide in reference to the font sizes, colours etc.