This is a Baba is You demake for the CASIO fx-9750GII written entirely in BASIC.
First get this from CASIO's website: Then use the program to download the distribution file to your calculator. Then make a 7x18 matrix in Mat C's location. This will be the level. Otherwise the calculator will error on the line "Mat C -> Mat A". Finally, run the program "B-U". (It stands for B=U, viz. Baba is You.)
If you just have a blank matrix (all 0s) for Mat C then the level will be empty, devoid of any puzzle solving. To make a level, just use the built-in matrix editor to make a level with these ids:
0 - empty - " "
1 - baba - "B"
2 - flag - "F"
3 - rock - "R"
4 - wall - "W"
11 thru 14 - noun text - fancy corresponding letter
21 - IS - "="
22 - HAS - reversed set membership symbol (unimplemented because you cannot destroy objects yet)
31 - YOU - fancy u with a dot over it
32 - WIN - fancy w
33 - PUSH - fancy p
Important changes: everything is de facto STOP because there is no stacking in this demake. You can win either by having an object be both WIN and YOU or by having a YOU object try to move into a WIN object.
Also note that pushing is recursive and runs out of stack space at around ten objects. The game will purposely error because I thought it would be funnier that way. Transmutation works but not an X = X statement to prevent it, and transmutation is done in place, unlike with the og game.
I have made some premade levels which I have put in the levels folder (not yet as of now, pretend this is in future tense). They are in the CSV format and can be converted to a 7x18 matrix via the program linked above. Simply copy them to Mat C to enjoy a nice laggy puzzle.