This small project allow me to get a numeric Thermometer in my ancient car.
Those days, I want to modernize my old car by adding electronics by myself.
This arduino project is in fact usable everywhere but that’s gave me a pretext for the realisation of this project in my old car.
By the way, this project gave me the opportunity to code in a language that i’m not used to and also to conceive a PCB on software and realize it at the end.
To finish, I want to make a final product usable by anyone by conceive and product a case by a 3D printer.
To get a copy of the project, you can go on the GitHub’s webpage of the project and click on the green button to download as a .ZIP file. However, if you’re using a prompt console on an Unix machine use this line :
git clone
To use the project, you will need some Hardware :
An Arduino Board (here: Arduino Nano,
An OLED Screen (here: 128 x 64,
A DHT11 Sensor (here: Mine got 3 Pins but this one in the link will work as well,
Also, a breadboard or PCB and also Wires and tools needed to solder.
And you will also need some libraries and softwares :
- An Arduino IDE Up to date
- An Arduino board
To get and downloaded the files, use this line :
git clone
When the project is Downloaded, check your pi
folder, and you will see the folder DHT11_Voitures
To run the project; You need to compile and upload the Source code
to the Arduino Board by using the Arduino IDE
When it’s done, you should assembly all the component on a
breadboard or solder all the components on a PCB
When the last step is done, You must Power on by pluggin an USB power source to your Arduino boards and if you didn’t make any mistakes , It’s Works.
That’s how to test the program:
Use the Arduino IDE with your files
In this project we’ve got some folders
- 3D_Model: 3D Files needed to create a cases for the Thermometer.
- Documents_Fritzing: Files used to conceive and assembly all the component.
- Lib: Library used by the main program.
- Pictures: Pictures of the project.
Main features of the program
- Voitures_DHT11.ino: That's main program.
- Scheme_DHT11.pdf: That's the scheme of the numeric thermometer.
- Components_list.html: This is the list of components needed for this project.
- Franck ROCHAT - Initial work - Franck ROCHAT Thank You ! ❤️