More info can be found at:
This folder contains a collection of networks written using two different frameworks: qkeras and larq. Each network can be built and tested using a randomly generated dataset, the output will consist of two measurements:
- Mean MSE, calculate the mean MSE between all the output for both networks
- Absolute errors, calculates how many times the class predicted by one network does not coincide with the class predicted by the other network
The folder is divided in:
- is the class to build and test the networks.
- contains share methods between all the classes.
- results.txt are the results of the comparison between the networks.
- ./qkeras_models contains the .json qkeras saved models.
- ./larq_models contains the .json larq saved models.
- ./weights please put the downloaded weights here, link to download weights is provided in the network class.
Link to the folder with all weights:
An example can by run with: