Releases: Foodee/ember-foxy-forms
Releases · Foodee/ember-foxy-forms
- Added the ability to options layout fields declaratively using the grid-area-template, documented here:
A few new features around using ember-model-validator
- Default implementation for validationOptions is set to the {only: []} where only is the collection of fields that are defined in the form, this prevents an issue where a form might not expose a control for a particular attribute on a model, and thus, not provide a place for an error to show up.
- Default implementation for the required attribute on fields, which now draws it's out of the box value from the validation hash on the model if present.
- If a field is set to required, and either the form or environment is configured correctly, it will automatically add a requiredText to the label.
New Features
- Adds scrollToFirstVisibleError attribute to the form, which allows the form to scroll its parent container to the first field with an error.
- Relaxes the comparison in ff-abstract-select to allow for fuzzy comparison, this can happen when a model has a integer for a primary key but the dom stores it as a string.
Bug fixes
- Fixes our CI, with future work planned for compatibility with more modern Ember + auto import.
New Features
- #willSubmit and #willReset are now asynchronous allowing for back end calls or dialogs to be popped up
- added #confirmSubmit and #confirmReset which allow for explicitly confirming submission and resetting of the form, will eventually add hooks into this process by default that allow for swapping out confirmation services from your own application.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed formatting issue with the doc for fields all of the headers now display properly
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Grand Upgrade
Big Changes
- All components upgraded to glimmer!
- All basic html5 controls supported out of the box
- Huge update to documentation with examples.
- Improved test coverage