No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Refers to the "communication" competency area
Refers to the "delivery" competency area
Refers to the "leadership" competency area
Refers to the "technical" competency area
Pull requests that update a dependency file
This issue or pull request already exists
Extra attention is needed
issues that came from the infra engineers domain specific workshop
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Refers to a Junior to Mid competency
Refers to a Mid to Senior 1 competency
Refers to a Senior 1 to Senior 2 competency
Refers to a Senior 2 to Principal competency
Refers to the maintenance of the repo, and not the engineering competencies
We're missing a competency
A proposed change or addition to the framework
Further information is requested
More examples or longer description required
Pull requests that update Ruby code
This will not be worked on
You can’t perform that action at this time.