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Distributed Bayesian Optimization for Multi-Agent Systems

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Distributed Bayesian Optimization for Multi-Agent Systems

dbo is a compact python package for bayesian optimization. It utilizes sklearn GaussianProcessRegressor to model the surrogate function and offers multiple strategies to select queries. In addition to the vanilla bayesian optimization algorithm, dbo offers:

  • Distributed and parallel optimization
  • Stochastic policy evaluations
  • Expected acquisition policy over pending queries
  • Internal acquisition function regularization
  • Regret analysis outputs

The animation below demonstrate the optimization process on Himmelblau's function:

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Docs
    1. Parameters
    2. Attributes
    3. Methods
    4. Output
  3. Examples
    1. Example 1: Single-Agent 1D
    2. Example 2: Multi-Agent 1D
    3. Example 3: Single-Agent 2D
    4. Example 4: Multi-Agent 2D
    5. Example 5: Regret Analysis
    6. Example 6: Non-convex optimization
  4. Contributing
  5. Updates
  6. Credits


This setup guide is for Debian-like environments.

This package is developed for Python 3.7.

  1. (Optional) Set up and activate a virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3 ~/.venvs/dboenv
source ~/.venvs/dboenv/bin/activate
  1. (Optional) Set up alias for virtual environment
echo 'alias dboenv="source ~/.venvs/dboenv/bin/activate"' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc  
  1. Install python dependencies and dbo
git clone [email protected]:FilipKlaesson/dbo.git && cd dbo
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install     # use 'python develop' for development


The Bayesian optimizer is contained in the class bayesian_optimization in src/bayesian_optimization.

class bayesian_optimization(objective, domain, arg_max = None, n_workers = 1,
                            network = None, kernel = kernels.RBF(), alpha=10**(-10),
                            acquisition_function = 'ei', policy = 'greedy',
                            fantasies = 0, epsilon = 0.01, regularization = None,
                            regularization_strength = 0.01, grid_density = 100)

The class implementation utilizes sklearn GaussianProcessRegressor (Algorithm 2.1 of Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning by Rasmussen and Williams) as model on standardized data.


objective: function
Objective function to be maximized. The function take an input with the same
dimension as the domain and return a float.
domain: numpy.ndarray
The compact domain the objective function is maximized over. A numpy.ndarray of
shape (dim, 2) where dim is the dimension of the function space. Each row specify the
lower and upper bound of the domain along the corresponding dimension.
arg_max: numpy.ndarray, optional (default: None)
The point(s) that maximizes the objective function. A numpy.ndarray of shape
(number of global maximum, dim) where dim is the dimension of the function space.
If None, arg_max will be approximated by arg_max on the grid defined by the domain
and grid_density.
n_workers: float, optional (default: 1)
Number of agents used in the distributed setting. Corresponds to the number of
models trained in parallel using corresponding agent queries and data broadcasted
from neighbours in the network.
network: numpy.ndarray, optional (default: None)
Binary communication network, a numpy.ndarray of shape (n_workers,n_workers).
Agent i and j share queries if element (i,j) is non-zero. If None, the
identity matrix is used.
kernel: kernel object, optional (default: kernels.RBF())
The kernel (sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels object) specifying the covariance
function of the Gaussian Process. The kernel’s hyperparameters are optimized
using the log-marginal likelihood for training data.
alpha: float, optional (default: 10**(-10))
Noise level in observations. Alpha is added to the diagonal of the kernel.
An increased noise level can prevent potential numerical issues by ensuring that
the covariance matrix is a positive definite matrix.
acquisition_function: str, optional (default: 'ei')
The acquisition function used to select the next query. Supported acquisition
functions: 'ei' (Expected Improvement), 'ts' (Thompson Sampling).
policy str, optional (default: 'greedy')
Policy to apply on acquisition function to selecting next query.
If 'greedy', the next query is argmax of the acquisition function.
If 'boltzmann', draw the next query from a Boltzmann distribution where the
acquisition function acts as energy measure. Supported policies: 'greedy', 'boltzmann'.
fantasies int, optional (default: 0)
Number of fantasies used to calculate the expected acquisition function under
pending neighbour queries. If 0, disregard pending query information.
epsilon float, optional (default: 0.01')
Expected improvement margin. The minimum amount required to improve.
Disabled when regularization is not None.
regularization: str, optional (default: None)
The regularization function used when selecting next query. The regularization
penalizes the distance from the previous query point. Supported regularization
functions: 'ridge' (Ridge/L2). If None, no regularization will be applied.
regularization_strength: float, optional (default: 0.01)
Constant multiplied to regularization function, controls the magnitude of the penalty.
grid_density: int, optional (default: 100)
Number of points in each dimension in the grid.


arg_max: numpy.ndarray
The point that maximizes the objective function. If not provided under initialization,
arg_max will be approximated by arg_max on the grid defined by the domain and grid_density.
model: GaussianProcessRegressor list
List of GaussianProcessRegressor with length n_workers. Contains the models used by
each agent under training.
pre_arg_max: numpy.ndarray list
List of predicted argmax with length n_workers. Contains the predicted argmax for
each agent.
pre_max: numpy.ndarray list
List of predicted maximum with length n_workers. Contains the predicted max of
the objective function for each agent.
X: nested lists
Nested lists of depth 1. Contains lists of queries performed by each agent.
All queries performed by agent i is contained in X[i].
Y: nested lists
Nested lists of depth 1. Contains lists of function evaluation for corresponding queries.
All function evaluations observed by agent i is contained in Y[i].
bc_data: nested lists
Nested lists of depth 2. Contains tuples (x,y) of broadcasted data between agents.
All data broadcasted from agent i to agent j is contained in bc_data[i][j].
X_train: nested lists
Nested lists of depth 1. Contains lists of feature vectors used for training.
All feature vectors used for training by agent i is contained in X_train[i].
Y_train: nested lists
Nested lists of depth 1. Contains lists of function values used for training.
All function values used for training by agent i is contained in Y_train[i].


__init__(objective, domain, arg_max = None, n_workers = 1,
                network = None, kernel = kernels.RBF(), alpha=10**(-10),
                acquisition_function = 'ei', policy = 'greedy',
                fantasies = 0, epsilon = 0.01, regularization = None,
                regularization_strength = 0.01, grid_density = 100)
Initialize self.
optimize(n_iters, n_runs = 1, x0 = None, n_pre_samples = 5,
                random_search = 100, plot = False)

    n_iters: int
        Number of iterations to run the optimization algorithm.
    n_runs: int, optional (default: 1)
        Number of optimization runs.
    x0: numpy.ndarray, optional (default: None)
        Array with shape (n_pre_samples, n_params) containing initial points.
    n_pre_samples: int, optional (default: 5)
        If x0 is None, sample n_pre_samples initial points uniformly random in the domain.
    random_search: int, optional (default: 100)
        Number of samples used in random search to optimize acquisition function.
    plot: int
        Plot state every plot number of iterations. If n_runs > 1, plot is disabled.

Runs the optimization algorithm.
Parameter **n_runs** allow multiple runs of the same optimization setting to simplify analysis.


dbo will create a temp folder in the same directory as __main__. The output (generated data/plots/gifs) will be stored in the temp folder keyed with date and time. For example, by running dbo with __main__ in the dbo project folder, the directory will look like this:


Running optimize() will generate the following output:

  • regret

    • File with mean regret over the n_runs together with the 95% confidence bound error (.csv)

      • Note: The 95% confidence bound is the symmetric bound on the linear scale.
    • Plots of mean regret together with 95% confidence bounds (.png/.pdf)

  • bo*

    • Plots of every iteration in the optimization algorithm (.png/.pdf)

    • Gif of the progress in the optimization algorithm (.gif)

Plots and gifs (except regret plot) are disabled when n_runs > 1.


Example 1: Single-Agent 1D

In this example, a single agent is to optimize a user defined function and domain. A lambda function is used as objective function, and a numpy.ndarray to specify the search domain. We will use the default n_workers (1), default kernel (RBF) for the GaussianProcessRegressor model and default acquisition_function (Expected Improvement) to select queries. Set n_iters = 10 to run 10 iterations of the optimization algorithm, and select n_pre_samples = 3 initial data points at uniformly random.

Example code:

import numpy as np
import sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels as kernels
from src.bayesian_optimization import bayesian_optimization

# Domain
domain = np.array([[-10, 10]])

# Objective function
obj_fun = lambda x: (x[0]-0.5)*np.sin(x[0])

# Bayesian optimization object
BO = bayesian_optimization( objective = obj_fun,
                            domain = domain,
                            grid_density = 100)

# Optimize
BO.optimize(n_iters = 10, n_pre_samples = 3, plot = True)


Example 2: Multi-Agent 1D

Contrary to example 1, this example uses multiple agents to optimize the objective. In addition to setting the parameters as in example 1, n_workers and communication network needs to be specified. We will use n_workers = 3 agents, and the following network numpy.ndarray:

┌         ┐
│1   1   0│
│1   0   1│
│0   1   1│
└         ┘

Example code:

import numpy as np
import sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels as kernels
from src.bayesian_optimization import bayesian_optimization

# Domain
domain = np.array([[-10, 10]])

# Objective function
obj_fun = lambda x: (x[0]-0.5)*np.sin(x[0])

# Communication network
N = np.eye(3)
N[0,1] = N[1,0] = N[1,2] = N[2,1] = 1

# Bayesian optimization object
BO = bayesian_optimization( objective = obj_fun,
                            domain = domain,
                            n_workers = 3,
                            network = N,
                            grid_density = 100)

# Optimize
BO.optimize(n_iters = 10, n_pre_samples = 3, plot = True)


Example 3: Single-Agent 2D

In this example we utilize the script to find the maximum of the fun = Bohachevsky_1() function. Note that the functions in are designed to minimize, we therefore flip the sign using a lambda function and specify the objective as objective = lambda x: -1*fun.function(x). Each benchmark function in also contains a domain at fun.domain, and some functions has argmin specified at fun.arg_min.

Example code:

import numpy as np
import sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels as kernels
from src.bayesian_optimization import bayesian_optimization
from src.benchmark_functions_2D import *

# Benchmark Function
fun = Bohachevsky_1()
domain = fun.domain
obj_fun = lambda x: -1*fun.function(x)
arg_max = fun.arg_min

# Bayesian optimization object
BO = bayesian_optimization( objective = obj_fun,
                            domain = domain,
                            arg_max = arg_max,
                            grid_density = 30 )

# Optimize
BO.optimize(n_iters = 10, n_pre_samples = 3, plot = True)


Example 4: Multi-Agent 2D

In this example we use the same setting as in exmaple 3, but we use multiple agents to optimize the objective. We set n_workers = 3 agents, and the following network numpy.ndarray:

┌         ┐
│1   1   0│
│1   0   1│
│0   1   1│
└         ┘

Example code:

import numpy as np
import sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels as kernels
from src.bayesian_optimization import bayesian_optimization
from src.benchmark_functions_2D import *

# Benchmark Function
fun = Bohachevsky_1()
domain = fun.domain
obj_fun = lambda x: -1*fun.function(x)
arg_max = fun.arg_min

# Communication network
N = np.eye(3)
N[0,1] = N[1,0] = N[1,2] = N[2,1] = 1

# Bayesian optimization object
BO = bayesian_optimization( objective = obj_fun,
                            domain = domain,
                            arg_max = arg_max,
                            n_workers = 3,
                            network = N,
                            grid_density = 30 )

# Optimize
BO.optimize(n_iters = 10, n_pre_samples = 3, plot = True)


The color of the queries indicate which agent performed the evaluation. Note that since agents communicate via the network, agents utilize the queries performed by their neighbours for faster convergence. For example, agent 0 (left figure, blue queries) utilize the queries broadcasted from neighbour agent 1 (middle figure, green queries).

Example 5: Regret Analysis

Utilizing the n_runs parameter, it is straight-forward to perform regret analysis over multiple runs. We demonstrate this by setting n_iters = 50 and n_runs = 10 on the single-agent setting described in example 3. Note that plots (except regret plot) are automatically disabled when running multiple runs.

Example code:

import numpy as np
import sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels as kernels
from src.bayesian_optimization import bayesian_optimization
from src.benchmark_functions_2D import *

# Benchmark Function
fun = Bohachevsky_1()
domain = fun.domain
obj_fun = lambda x: -1*fun.function(x)
arg_max = fun.arg_min

# Bayesian optimization object
BO = bayesian_optimization( objective = obj_fun,
                            domain = domain,
                            arg_max = arg_max,
                            grid_density = 30 )

# Optimize
BO.optimize(n_iters = 50, n_runs = 10, n_pre_samples = 3)


The plot display the mean regret over the n_runs with a 95% confidence interval.

Example 6: Non-convex optimization 2D examples

In this example we apply single-agent optimization on multiple non-convex benchmark functions. All functions are contained in We use n_iters = 100 and n_runs = 10 for the regret analysis.








When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue or email with the owners of this repository. If you decide to fix an issue, it's advisable to check the comment thread to see if there's somebody already working on a fix. If no one is working on it, kindly leave a comment stating that you intend to work on it. That way other people don't accidentally duplicate your effort. Before sending a merge request, make sure to update the with details of changes to the interface under Updates. If you're a first time contributor to dbo, add yourself to the Credits list.


  • v.0.1: initial launch: dbo offers distributed and paralell bayesian optimization, stochastic policy evaluations, internal acquisition function regularization, regret analysis outputs etc.
  • v.0.2: added expected acquisition function under pending queries.


The following people have contributed to dbo:


Distributed Bayesian Optimization for Multi-Agent Systems






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