NOTE: This software/repo is now deprecated. See the HDR releases github for latest versions.
Big thanks to Genwald and all contributors to UltimateModManager. This codebase is based off that project, and without it, we wouldn't be where we are today. Thanks!
Another massive thanks to Blujay, who rewrote this entire project for the better, helped me out with it on numerous occasions, and is in general an absolute chad.
Contributions/PRs are welcome here
To use this app, simply download the HDR_Installer.nro file from the releases page of this repo, and put that file in your "switch" folder on your SD card. Then open the homebrew menu and select the app.
Install Devkitpro.
Using pacman (installed with devkitpro) install the following libraries:
- switch-curl
( Note: This is my first C++ project ever! I know the organization and general design of this codebase is quite un-elegant and messy, and because I'm so new at this lang, all feedback and critisism is absolutely welcome in any form, I'm looking to learn! )