Vultr-Aliyun is a command-line tool which helps to automatically redeploy blocked server and synchronize with Aliyun domain and Vultr snapshot.
Also see 中文文档
To run Vultr-Aliyun tool:
And you can see a list of all your records and main menu.
Then select 13
to start monitoring.
It's better if you run this tool as a background process, so that monitoring process will continue when you log out from SSH, and you can achieve that by using screen.
- An inland linux server (Master)
- Vultr Servers (Slave)
- Aliyun Domain
- Aliyun API
- Vultr API
- python3
- mysql
- pymysql
- Aliyun SDK
- tcping
Install Mysql
Install tcping
Install python3:
sudo apt-get install python3
Install pymysql
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install PyMySQL
Install Aliyun SDK:
sudo pip3 install aliyun-python-sdk-core-v3
Download Vultr-Aliyun using git clone:
git clone
Set up Mysql:
- Create a mysql user
- Create a database for Vultr-Aliyun
Set up
cd Vultr-Aliyun
Modify the following:
MYSQL_USER = 'Your mysql user name'
MYSQL_PASSWD = 'Your mysql user password'
MYSQL_DB = 'Your mysql database name'
VULTR_KEY = 'Vultr api key'
ALI_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'Aliyun access key id'
ALI_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = 'Aliyun access key secret'
client = AcsClient(ALI_ACCESS_KEY_ID, ALI_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET, 'cn-hangzhou')
DOMAIN_NAME = 'Aliyun domain name'
logf_name = 'vultr.log' # vultr log file name
# interval better be greater than 5 minutes
CHECK_INTERVAL_MAX = 10 # maximum check interval (minutes)
CHECK_INTERVAL_MIN = 4 # minimum check interval (minutes)
CHECK_PORT = '1010' # slave's port which master will use tcping to check, make sure this port is open on slave server!
RANDOM_REGION = True # True: randomly select new region from REGION_LIST when detected a blocked server; False: keep the same region as the old server
REGION_LIST = ['Atlanta', 'Dallas', 'Chicago', 'Los Angeles', 'Silicon Valley', 'Seattle', 'Miami'] # regions that can be randomly selected for new server
After that, you can run
When you deploy a server on vultr, there is a chance that this IP will be blocked in the future. So after configuration of your server and keeping all services running, you can create a snapshot of server so that it will automatically resume to the point where you create a snapshot at when this server has been blocked.
See usage for more details.
- All vultr servers that not exist in chain record will be deleted !!!!!! Please add all your vultr servers into chain record.
- Please prepare your vultr servers, snapshots and Aliyun domain records first, then add chain record in Vultr-Aliyun.
- Please delete related chain record before you delete server instance or snapshot or domain record.
- Please check vultr.log if anything goes wrong.
- Usually need to wait until second checking interval to repair chain completely, because server needs time to reboot.