I'm Falence Lemungoh, a backend-heavy software engineer with formal, university, software engineering training. I'm passionate about growing and learning from others. 💡
I'm also an open source contributor at ZuriChat (Live link || Github link).
- 🌱 I solve problems with Golang and Js/TypeScript.
- 🔭 I’m open to remote Backend engineering roles.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm an adent learner and with time, I can learn anything.
Kindly checkout my LinkedIn profile.
Auctions App (Microservice Architecture)
This application is a platform that hosts sellers and bidders. Sellers post items and bidders can place bids on the items. The duration for an auction is 1 hour and is then closed. The seller of an auction, and bidder with the highest bid will receive emails when an auction is closed.
This application was built following the microservice architecture using serverless framework and Amazon Web Services (AWS). This application is made up of three(3) services: auth-service, auction-service and the notification-service.
Features: Authentication(Auth0 and email), Authorization, Email notification and auctions processing.
Technology and Tools: NodeJs(ExpressJs), Auth0, AWS(lambda, dynamoDB, SQS, SNS, S3, amplify, CloudFormation, CloudWatch) with the serverless framework.
Github: Auth-service, Auction-service and notification-service -
Natours App (Tour Booking Application)
This application is a tour booking application that permits its users browse through available tours and book tours. On sign up the user receives a welcome email and on password reset the user receives an email with a reset link. Tour booking payments are processed with Stripe.
Features: authentication, authorization, email notification, payments with Stripe, map rendering with MapBox and profile photo processing.
Technology and Tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJs(ExpressJs), MongoDB, Stripe, SendGrid and Mapbox.
Github: Source code -
GasMe App (Backend Application)
I collaborated with a team of 5 developers and worked on server-side code, database modelling and built Restful APIs for the GasMe application aimed at providing a platform for consumers, retailers and bulk sellers of Liquid Petroleum Gas (Cooking gas) in Nigeria.
Also, Implemented the image processing module for the application where after images are processed they're uploaded to Google Drive and can be access anytime within the application.
Wrote documentation using the Open API (Swagger) specification..
Features: authentication, authorization, database modelling and profile photo processing.
Technology and Tools: NodeJs(ExpressJs), MongoDB, Open Api (Swagger Docs) Google Photos.
Github: Source code