I like coffee, so if you like my work and want to support with something more than a star, you can feel free to buy me one.
My Ko-Fi: Ko-Fi/flock4hh
Want me to develop something for you? Contact me, and we will figure out your project together.
Freelance profile: Upwork
I'm bulding a community, be one of the firsts:
Telegram group: FLOCK4H.CAVE
Discord server: Discord
Currently working on Freeway,
Are you looking for an Ethical Hacker, Software, Drivers, or Microcontrollers developer?
Great, I'm currently looking for work, below is my e-mail address and a link to my Linked.in profile.
Linked.in: link
class FLOCK4H:
def __init__(self):
self.smart = True
self.creative = ''.join([chr(int(b, 2)) for b in "01111001 01100101 01110011".split()])
def about_me(self):
📌 22 years old Software Developer, Cybersecurity Researcher, and former AI Researcher, with a knack for creating popular cybersecurity tools.
def my_goals(self):
Find the 8th wonder of the ancient world,
land a job that I'll love doing, and go around the globe
def frameworks(self):
print("""🧹 Scapy, React.js, Electron, PyQt/ PySide, Flask, Websockets...""")
def languages(self):
print("""CircuitPython, MicroPython, Python, Lua, JS, JSX, Arduino C, HTML/CSS/SCSS""")
def most_recent_relevant_project(self):
self.atom_ducky = "https://github.com/FLOCK4H/AtomDucky"
def currently_working_on(self):
self.freeway = "Freeway update is on the way!"
self.the_reaper = "https://github.com/FLOCK4H/TheReaper" # incoming
def support_my_work(self):
print("""⭐️ Show love, by leaving a star under the liked project, become a sponsor, or follow me here on github""")