This is a draft of the Forged Alliance Forever rating service.
Install docker.
Follow the steps to get faf-db setup, the following assumes the db container is called faf-db
and the database is called faf
and the root password is banana
Additionally, the service needs a running RabbitMQ server, which can be started
via docker by running ci/
which starts a RabbitMQ server on vhost /faf-lobby
First make sure you have instances of faf-db
and RabbitMQ running as described in the
installation section. Then install the dependencies to a virtual environment
using pipenv:
$ pipenv install --dev
You can start the service:
$ pipenv run devserver
Note The pipenv scripts are not meant for production deployment. For
deployment use faf-stack
$ pipenv run tests
You can check for possible unused code with vulture
by running:
$ pipenv run vulture
GPLv3. See the license file.