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Getting the results of a Hive query into ArcGIS

Randall Whitman edited this page Feb 13, 2018 · 15 revisions

Move data from Hive -> ArcGIS

There are extra steps if you are using a VM : See Issue 22 for further details

This tutorial will take a Hive query and export it to ArcGIS. The opposite direction, moving a feature to HDFS here.

If you have already generated a JSON table using a query, skip to step 5.

  1. Start the hive command line and add the functions and jar files [similar to the sample example for steps 1-4]:

    add jar
    create temporary function ST_Point as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_Point';
    create temporary function ST_Contains as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_Contains';
    create temporary function ST_Bin as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_Bin';
    create temporary function ST_BinEnvelope as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_BinEnvelope';
  2. Generate your earthquake table and remove the first row of null values:

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS earthquakes (earthquake_date STRING, latitude DOUBLE, longitude DOUBLE, magnitude DOUBLE)
    LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH './earthquakes.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE earthquakes;
    CREATE TABLE earthquakes_new(earthquake_date STRING, latitude DOUBLE, longitude DOUBLE, magnitude DOUBLE);
    INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE earthquakes_new
    SELECT earthquake_date, latitude, longitude, magnitude
    FROM earthquakes
    WHERE latitude is not null;
  3. Generate a new empty table agg_samp to save your query into.

    DROP TABLE agg_samp;
    CREATE TABLE agg_samp(area binary, count double)
    ROW FORMAT SERDE 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.serde.EsriJsonSerDe' 
    STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'com.esri.json.hadoop.EnclosedEsriJsonInputFormat'
  4. Generate your Query to bin your data using bins of 0.5 degrees, save this into your new table agg_samp

    FROM (SELECT ST_Bin(0.5, ST_Point(longitude, latitude)) bin_id, * FROM earthquakes_new) bins
    SELECT ST_BinEnvelope(0.5, bin_id) shape, count(*) count
    GROUP BY bin_id;
  5. If you have not already done so, download the Geoprocessing Toolbox and follow the given Instructions.

  6. You will now use tools from the geoprocessing toolbox to move your table to a feature class. We recommend building a model using model builder and drag two tools from your toolbox into the model: Copy from HDFS and JSON to Features.

  7. Double click on the Copy from HDFS tool.

    In hive type: describe formatted table_name , where table_name is the table you generated in Step 4 (i.e. describe formatted agg_samp).

    ||Standalone Cluster|Using a VM| |---------|----------|----------|--------| |HDFS server hostname (Box 1): | This is your name node found above|'localhost', but make note of the name node as well| |HDFS TCP port number ( Box 2):| Use the default unless you know another value|Use the default unless you know another value| |HDFS username (Box 3):| In the terminal type: whoami [exit hive first]|root| |HDFS remote file (Box 4):| Use everything after and including the single slash (above)|Use everything after and including the single slash (above)| |Output Local File (Box 5):| Save it to a file, add .json on the end|Save it to a file, add .json on the end|

VM Steps: You need to add your VM as localhost. Follow these steps and add the line to the file and save. If you aren't using Hortonworks - this is the namenode you found for box 1 above.

  1. Double click on JSON to Features tool

    ||| |---------|----------|----------| |Input JSON (Box 1): | This is the same file you output from Copy from HDFS| |Output feature Class (Box 2): | This is the output, saved in a file geodatabase | |JSON type (optional) (Box 3): | Choose UNENCLOSED_JSON|

  2. Run the model, and add the new feature class to your map.

  3. Your final result should look something like this (after updating the symbology) :