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Security configuration LDAP

zguo edited this page Oct 15, 2018 · 1 revision

Configure Geoportal Server to use LDAP

This page describes how to configure Geoportal Server to use LDAP for authentication.

1. Uncomment the following line in app-security.xml to use file authentication-ldap.xml for authentication

<!-- <beans:import resource="authentication-ldap.xml"/> -->

2. Update authentication-ldap.xml with parameters for the LDAP server

LDAP server settings

This section defines the ldap server connection parameters

    manager-dn="uid=admin, ou=system" 
    manager-password="" />
Parameter Name Description
@id id for the LDAP server, this is referenced by /beans:beans/security:authentication-manager/security:ldap-authentication-provider/@server-ref below
@url URL to the server on which the directory server management resides, and will include the port used for the LDAP connection. It can be any valid LDAP URL. i.e. ldap://machine:port. Common port numbers are 10389 or 19389 for Apache Directory Server, or 389 for Windows Active Directory.
@manager-dn Username with which to connect to the Directory Server. Its a LDAP distinguished name. Same value that was used to connect to the Directory Server, example: uid=admin,ou=system
@manager-password Password with which to connect to the Directory Server, it is a string representing a password. Same value that was used to connect to the Directory Server.

LDAP authentication manager settings

This section defines settings for the authentication manager

  <security:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
Parameter Name Description
@alias Alias for the authentication manager
security:ldap-authentication-provider/@server-ref It references /beans:beans/security:ldap-server/@id above
security:ldap-authentication-provider/@role-prefix Used by /beans:beans/beans:bean/beans:property[2]/beans:map/beans:entry[1]/@key as Prefix in front of the role name
security:ldap-authentication-provider/@user-search-base The path in the Directory Information Tree to search for users. LDAP DN representing the 'Users' organizational unit entry. Example: ou=users,ou=system
security:ldap-authentication-provider/@user-search-filter The search pattern for the Directory Server to use when looking for users. String value representing a user entry pattern. Leave as default, for Active Directory, the value would be something like "(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName={0}))".
security:ldap-authentication-provider/@group-search-base The path in the Directory Information Tree to search for groups. LDAP DN representing the 'Groups' organizational unit entry. Example: ou=groups,ou=system
security:ldap-authentication-provider/@group-role-attribute Attribute used for name of the Directory Server group that will be mapped to the named role
security:ldap-authentication-provider/@group-search-filter The search pattern for the Directory Server to use when looking for groups. String value representing a group entry pattern. Leave as default, for Active Directory, the value would be something like "(&(objectclass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={0}))"
security:ldap-authentication-provider/@user-context-mapper-ref It references ldapserContextMapper below at /beans:beans/beans:bean/@id

LDAP user context mapper settings

This section defines settings for LDAP user context mapper

  <beans:bean id="ldapUserContextMapper" class="">
    <beans:property name="defaultRole" value="USER" />
    <beans:property name="roleMap">
      <beans:map key-type="java.lang.String" value-type="java.lang.String">
        <beans:entry key="ROLE_GPT_ADMINISTRATORS" value="ADMIN,PUBLISHER" />
        <beans:entry key="ROLE_GPT_PUBLISHERS" value="PUBLISHER" />
Parameter Name Description
@id id for LDAP user context mapper, referenced by /beans:beans/security:authentication-manager/security:ldap-authentication-provider/@user-context-mapper-ref above
beans:property[1]/@name name can be "defaultRole" or "roleMap", when name is defaultRole, it defines the default role the user will have when login to geportal
beans:property[1]/@value The value defines the default role the user will have, which is usually "USER"
beans:property[2]/@name When name is "roleMap", the section defines the role mapping from LDAP groups to Geoportal 2.x roles
beans:property[2]/beans:map/@key-type data type for key-type
beans:property[2]/beans:map/@value-type data type for value-type
beans:property[2]/beans:map/beans:entry[1]/@key key equal to role-prefix + ldap group name, e.g. for LDAP group named GPT_ADMINISTRATORS the key would be "ROLE_GPT_ADMINISTRATORS", you will need an entry for each LDAP group used by geoportal.
beans:property[2]/beans:map/beans:entry[1]/@value The role value for the LDAP groups, it is a comma separated list of roles in geoportal 2, it can be "ADMIN", "PUBLISHER, "USER".