Persistent queue for Python AsyncIO.
This library provides a persistent FIFO queue for Python AsyncIO:
- Queue content persist a process restart
- Feature parity with Python's asyncio.Queue
- Similar API to Python's asyncio.Queue
- Sane logging
- Type hints
- Fully tested
- Supports different storage engines and can be extended with custom storage engines
Here is a basic example on how to use the queue:
import asyncio
from aiodiskqueue import Queue
async def main():
q = await Queue.create("example_queue.sqlite")
await q.put("some item")
item = await q.get()
Please see the examples folder for more usage examples.
You can install this library directly from PyPI with the following command:
pip install aiodiskqueue
The name of the logger for all logging by this library is: aiodiskqueue
aiodiskqueue support different storage engines. The default engine is DbmEngine.
We measured the throughput for a typical load scenario (5 producers, 1 consumer) with each storage engine:
- DbmEngine: Consistent throughput at low and high volumes and about 3 x faster then Sqlite
- PickledList: Very fast at low volumes, but does not scale well
- SqliteEngine: Consistent throughput at low and high volumes. Relatively slow.
The scripts for running the measurements and generating this chart can be found in the measurements folder.