Attributes router is a light library allowing to set up a router and to define routes via the attributes of PHP 8.
Before, you can download the library you must first have a version of PHP ~8.0 and a recent version of Composer.
First, as the library is not referenced on Packagist, you will have to add the repository in the configuration of your composer.json
"repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" } ]
Then, all you have to do is install the library using the following command:
composer require eredost/attributes-router
Simple usage of the router:
Define the routes in your controller with the Route attribute
<?php namespace App\Controller; use AttributesRouter\Attribute\Route; class MainController { #[Route('/', name: 'homepage', methods: ['GET', 'POST'])] public function home() { } #[Route('/article/{slug}/comment/{id<\d+>}', name: 'article-comment')] public function comment() { } }
Create the router passing as argument the controllers on which you have defined routes attributes.
<?php use App\Controller\MainController; use AttributesRouter\Router; require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $router = new Router([MainController::class]); // If there is a match, he will return the class and method associated // to the request as well as route parameters if ($match = $router->match()) { $controller = new $match['class'](); $controller->{$match['method']}($match['params']); }
You have the possibility after instantiating the Router object to be able to add new controllers, these will be added with those already stored.
It can be interesting in certain cases, such as for example when your project is called from a sub-directory, to define a base URI so that this one is ignored when the router compares the routes with the current request. You can define it either via the constructor or via the setter.
// Via the Router constructor
$router = new Router([MainController::class], '/dir/sub-dir');
// Via the associated setter
You have the possibility from the name of the route, to generate a URL.
$router->generateUrl('article-comment', ['slug' => 'hello-world', 'id' => 15]);
See the file for more information on how to contribute to the project.