- Mockup
- Crowdsourced tool to know how much the bus is late
- Chance to read how much is bus late for each urban line
- Chance to give feedback about how much a bus is late
- The users of this app will be mostly students and why not also other common bus users
- Content for final demo defined: built on the crowdsourcing principle, this app gives the user the chance to check for bus delays and to report them.
Every morning a student wakes up and knows he has to run faster than the bus. So we thought: “why not to create an app that tells you that your bus is late and you can sleep another 5 minutes?”. This app allows users from all over Trento to report other lazy people about buses’ conditions. It’s a crowdsource-based app so we trust you: don’t think only for yourselves, think for everybody, and the prices.
The website will be build with the focus on the mobile layout. The frontend part will be built with Bootstrap and JQuery. The backend will be build with Node-Js and Mongo-DB. We are going to use third party Trentino Trasporti open data.
- Github Repository set up
- Branching strategy agreed: gitflow
- Stories defined and mapped to 2 releases
- The stories for the second release are going to be written after some user testing of the version 1 to understand better the user needing/issues
- Agreed means of communication inside the team: Slack
- You have identified who does what in the project
- Massimo Frasson -> Front-end
- Stefano Leonardi -> Database
- Enrico Saccon -> Back-end and front-end
- Luca Bonora -> Database
- Michele Carbonari -> Back-end
- Edoardo Lenzi -> Back-end and front-end
- Andrea Gilardoni -> Database and back-end