This library provides two ways of working with memcached servers. One way is to use a single server, as described in #1. Another way is to use a number of memcached servers in a consistent hash ring mode. This is described in #2.
The following will start an anonymous mcd client, addressable by the returned pid().
{ok, Pid} = mcd:start_link(["localhost", 11211]).
The next one will connect to the memcached server on the local host, and will also register the mcd instance under the 'myMcd' name. See #3. The mcd API can use the returned pid() and the registered name interchangeably.
mcd:start_link(myMcd, []).
mcd:set(myMcd, a, b).
mcd:get(myMcd, a).
{mcd, start_link, ['myMcd', ["localhost", 11211]]},
permanent, 10000, worker, [mcd] }
mcd_cluster starts a set of mcd processess and a dispatcher attached to them. All mcd processess and the dispatcher are linked to form a proper exit hierarchy.
mcd_cluster:start_link(mainCluster, [
{host1, ["localhost", 11211], 10},
{host2, ["localhost", 11211], 20}
{mcd_cluster, start_link, [mainCluster, [
{host1, ["localhost"], 10},
{host2, ["localhost"], 20}
permanent, 60000, worker, [mcd_cluster]}
Note: the default port for "localhost" is 11211.
application:set_env(mcd, mcd_hosts, [{localhost, ["localhost"]}]).
application:set_env(mcd, mcd_buckets, [
{cluster1, {localhost, 11211}},
{cluster2, {localhost, 11211}}
{error, notfound} = mcd:get(cluster1, foo).
{error, notfound} = mcd:get(cluster2, foo).
{ok, b} = mcd:set(server, a, b).
{error, notfound} = mcd:get(server, foo).
{ok, [42]} = mcd:set(mainCluster, <<"bar">>, [42]).
{ok, [42]} = mcd:get(mainCluster, <<"bar">>).