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Maxwill's Site |
- MSCS student at Georgia Tech
- Broadly interested in
- cryptography (zk-SNARKs) and blockchains (consensus algorithms, smart contracts)
- machine learning
- CV
- A+s in theoretical courses (e.g. Advanced Algorithms, Advanced Linear Algebra, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Quantum Machine Learning, Intractable Problems, Algebra)
- Ranked 541st (top 0.56%) in Google Code Jam 20
- (familiar) C++, Rust, Python,
$\LaTeX{}$ - (intermediate) Typescript, Solidity
- (basic) Go
- Machine Learning: PyTorch
- Blockchain: hardhat, ethers.js, EVM, DeFi protocols, brownie
- Utils: git, CICD, docker
- Frontend: svelte, svelte-kit, (basic) react, next
- Backend: (basic) gqlgen, gRPC
- music listening, games
- (not so often now) guitar, piano