This project provides a set of search algorithms to solve a maze. The maze is represented as a grid, where each cell can either be a walkable path or an obstacle. The goal is to find a path from a starting point to an end point.
- Rules and instructions are specified in this assignment.
- for input:
(5X5) - for input:
(10X10) - for input:
- 📁 .github - GitHub actions for automatic test (CI).
- 📁 .idea - IntelliJ project files
- 📁 data - possible inputs for the Main program.
- 📁 outputs - outputs for the possible inputs for the Main program.
- 📁 reports - HTML report template, and the folder that the temp reports are generated for.
- 📁 src - the actual Java code.
- 📁 static - a resource folder, mostly for the readme and the reports.
- 📁 tests - tests folder, with its own test data.
- 📄 java_maze_solution.iml - class path dependencies (for IntelliJ projects).
- Search Algorithms: The project includes multiple search algorithms:
- A* Search: Uses a combination of the cost to reach a node and a heuristic to estimate the cost from that node to the goal.
- Greedy Search: Expands the node that is estimated to be closest to the goal using a heuristic.
- Uniform Cost Search: Expands the node with the lowest path cost.
- Maze Parser: Parses a maze from a file.
- Report Generation: Generates an HTML report based on a given solution path through the maze.
- Search Executor: Executes a list of search algorithms on a given maze, logs the execution time, displays the results, and generates a report for each algorithm.
- Maze Generator: Generates random mazes based on a given difficulty level.
- Testing: Comprehensive unit tests for the search algorithms, maze parser, maze functionalities, and maze path reconstruction.
- Maze: Represents a grid-based maze with nodes.
- Node: Represents a point in the maze.
- MazePath: Represents a path through a maze using a map to store the relationship between a node and its predecessor in the path.
- SearchAlgorithm: An abstract class that provides the base for search algorithms.
- Logger: Provides color-coded console logging.
- MazeParser: Parses a maze from a file.
- ReportMaker: Generates an HTML report.
- SearchExecutor: Executes search algorithms and generates reports.
- SearchResult: Holds the result of a search algorithm.
- MazeGenerator: Generates random mazes.
- Main: The actual extraction class, to run the program.
Program expects a path (relative ot absolute) to a NxN maze file as in the assign task.
Click the green run arrow in
with this config: -
Click the green run arrow and choose "Run Configurations"
Inside the argumuments tab, add the following config:
- Run:
chmod +x
- Run:
./ <path-to-maze-file>
- Example with
./ data/maze_scenario_3.txt
- Run:
.\compile_and_run.ps1 <path-to-maze-file>
- Example with
.\compile_and_run.ps1 data/maze_scenario_3.txt
- Program excepts a single path to a file
- If nothing is provided, you will get a usage print.
- Program will open the provided file.
- If file doesn't exist you will get and error.
- If file is invalid you will get and error.
- Program will run all 3 algorithms.
- Program will print to standard input the logs and results.
- Program will create normalized
output file inoutputs
with results only. - Program will generate an HTML report file for each algorithm:
- Run main in
, you may adjust the size and difficulty in the main method.
- Dependencies are located in
. - Install using your local IDE package manager.
: Checks if the A* algorithm can solve a basic maze.testSolveUnsolvableMaze
: Validates that the A* algorithm correctly identifies an unsolvable maze.testSolveBigMaze
: Tests the A* algorithm's performance and correctness on a larger maze.
: Checks if the Greedy algorithm can solve a basic maze.testSolveUnsolvableMaze
: Validates that the Greedy algorithm correctly identifies an unsolvable maze.testSolveBigMaze
: Tests the Greedy algorithm's performance and correctness on a larger maze.
: Checks if the Uniform Cost Search algorithm can solve a basic maze.testSolveUnsolvableMaze
: Validates that the Uniform Cost Search algorithm correctly identifies an unsolvable maze.testSolveBigMaze
: Tests the Uniform Cost Search algorithm's performance and correctness on a larger maze.
: Validates that the maze parser correctly reads and interprets a maze file.testEmptyFile
: Checks the parser's behavior when provided with an empty file.testSizeMissingFile
: Validates the parser's behavior when the maze size is missing from the file.
: Checks if the maze correctly identifies the neighbors of a given node, considering obstacles.
: Validates the addition of nodes and their predecessors to the path.testGetReconstructPathDataExists
: Checks the correct reconstruction of the path when data exists.testGetReconstructPathEmpty
: Validates the behavior when trying to reconstruct a path with no data.testGetReconstructPathSorted
: Ensures the reconstructed path is correctly sorted.
- Use stock IntelliJ / Eclipse test runner.
- Check
- This project is using the Record keyword which were introduced in
Java 14