CS412 project repository
The latest and final version of the project can be found under the file "CS412_Project_bcagiltay.ipynb"
This project additionally has large files filled with json entities that it reads from. These files can be found here: http://www.onurvarol.com/Annotation-CS412-202201/
or alternatively here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15cklHF1kvuOvkJU9yrVEivdP7A1ac9xB
unless the accessing account is associated with Sabanci University (@sabanciuniv.edu) these may be inaccessible. Please contact me if these are required. An example of one of the json entities is provided under "test.json"
We are using the following external resource to process the comments of our tweets: https://kubrakurt.medium.com/python-ile-film-yorumlar%C4%B1n%C4%B1n-duygu-analizi-250870ee175c
Big thanks to my classmate Uğurhan Altınbaş, without his help this project would not have been nearly as enjoyable nor successful.