This repository is currently used for XML validation in Finnish national digital preservation services. The dpres-xml-schemas is a collection of XML schema catalogs and schmematron files which together can be used to validate all metadata included in METS document against the national specifications. The catalog can be used also for validating XML formatted digital objects.
The current METS catalog version is 1.7.6. The same catalog can be used also with older specifications, starting from version 1.5.0.
For further information about specifications, see:
The software is tested with Python 3.9 on AlmaLinux 9 release.
Installation on Linux distributions is done by using the RPM Package Manager. See how to configure the PAS-jakelu RPM repositories to setup necessary software sources.
After the repository has been added, the package can be installed by running the following command:
sudo dnf install dpres-xml-schemas
Installation and usage requires additional software:
- GNU Make
- libxml2 & libxslt / xmllint & xsltproc ( with exslt extension )
- Schematron conversion scripts:
Install with commands:
make install /usr/bin/xmlcatalog --noout --add "nextCatalog" "catalog" "/etc/xml/dpres-xml-schemas/schema_catalogs/catalog_main.xml" /etc/xml/catalog
We have utilized xmllint commandline tool for XML schema validation and xsltproc for XSLT conversions. For further information, see:,, and
Use the following command to validate a METS document:
xmllint --huge --noout --nonet --catalogs --nowarning --schema /etc/xml/dpres-xml-schemas/schema_catalogs/schemas/mets/mets.xsd <METS document>
If no error messages are produced, schema validation is successful.
Use the following commands to compile schematron files to XSL files:
xsltproc -o tempfile1 /usr/share/iso_schematron_xslt1/iso_dsdl_include.xsl /usr/share/dpres-xml-schemas/schematron/<schematron schema>.sch xsltproc -o tempfile2 /usr/share/iso_schematron_xslt1/iso_abstract_expand.xsl tempfile1 xsltproc -o tempfile3 /usr/share/iso_schematron_xslt1/optimize_schematron.xsl tempfile2 xsltproc -o <new compiled xsl>.xsl --stringparam outputfilter only_messages /usr/share/iso_schematron_xslt1/iso_svrl_for_xslt1.xsl tempfile3
To print out also those activated patterns and fired rules which do not result any messages, use the following command instead of the last command (this may result to huge output):
xsltproc -o <new compiled xsl>.xsl /usr/share/iso_schematron_xslt1/iso_svrl_for_xslt1.xsl tempfile3
Use the following command to validate a METS document:
xsltproc -o outputfile <compiled xsl>.xsl <METS document>
If all steps return 0 and no "<svrl:failed-assert>" elements are produced to output, validation is succesful. These steps have to be repeated for all schematron schemas (.sch) found in /usr/share/dpres-xml-schemas/schematron/
To validate other XML files (i.e. digital objects), use command:
xmllint --huge --noout --nonet --catalogs --nowarning --schema <schema file> <XML file>
It is required that the schema files are located in the local catalog, see: /etc/xml/dpres-xml-schemas/schema_catalogs/
Paths are described in relation to base path ./schema_catalogs/
- ./catalog_main.xml
- Main catalog for METS document validation.
- ./catalog_external.xml
- Catalog for external schemas.
- ./catalog.dtd
- OASIS Catalog specification file (unchanged)
Paths are described in relation to base path ./schema_catalogs/schemas/
- ./mets/mets.xsd
- Schema file importing METS and it's national extensions (main schema)
- ./mets/fi-mets-extensions.xsd
- National METS extensions
- ./mets/kdk-mets-extensions.xsd
- Deprecated National METS extensions for specifications v.1.5.0 - 1.6.1
- ./mods/mods.xsd
- MODS patch file for compatibility
- ./w3/xlink.xsd
- Xlink patch file for the schema catalog
Paths are described in relation to base path ./schema_catalogs/schemas_external/
- ./addml
- ADDML schema files
- ./alto
- ALTO schema files
- ./avmd
- AudioMD and VideoMD schema files
- ./datacite
- DataCite schema files
- ./dc
- Dublin Core schema files
- ./ddi-codebook
- DDI Codebook schema files
- ./ddi-lifecycle
- DDI Lifecycle schema files
- ./eac
- EAC-CPF schema files
- ./ead
- EAD schema files
- ./ead3
- EAD3 schema files (changed, see ./ead3/README)
- ./ebucore
- EBUCore schema files
- ./gpx
- GPS Exchange Format schema files
- ./lido
- LIDO schema files
- ./mads
- MADS schema files
- ./marc
- MARC21 schema files
- ./mets
- METS schema files
- ./metsrights
- METSRIGHTS schema files
- ./mix
- NISOIMG (MIX) schema files
- ./mods
- MODS schema files
- ./opengis.gml
- OpenGIS GML schema files
- ./premis
- PREMIS schema files
- ./sahke2
- SAHKE2 schema files
- ./shared
- W3 schema files
- ./textmd
- TextMD schema files
- ./vra
- VRA Core schema files
Paths related to schematron are described in relation to base path ./schematron/
- ./abstracts/*
- Abstract patterns used by schematron schemas
- ./*.sch
- Schematron schemas