This repository contains notebooks related to implementations of some information retrieval tasks, YASS Stemmer, query expansion, rocchio algorithm, and building some basic classifier, recommender, and summarization systems. These implementations were performed during the course IT550 Information Retrieval in M.Tech at DAIICT, Gandhinagar. Some large files (with extensions .csv, .gz, and .tgz) are stored in Git LFS system.
Datasets used:
- FIRE 2010 English Dataset
- Porter Test Data for stemming (For YASS Stemmer)
- Jigsaw Toxic Comment Classification Challenge Dataset from Kaggle
- Fake News Dataset from Kaggle
- BBC Business News Dataset
Frameworks/Libraries used:
- Numpy, Scipy
- Scikit-learn
- Terrier Python API
- Gensim
- Surprise
- sumy
Paper Implemented: YASS Stemmer