A boilerplate that implements Google, Mail.ru, Github, Facebook and classic Authentication. So it can be easy to implement it as a starting point for your projects.
In github you can find a lot similar boilerplate projects to fast start from scratch but only a few with client side on Vue. If You prefer Vue for a frontend than this boilerplate is best choice at this moment.
In the root folder You will find the frontend classic vue (+vuetify) project. This client consists of two areas for authenticated users and guest users. Guests may be registered in any way they prefer. In member areas authenticated users can view/edit/delete those profile data, see all other members short info. They can post messages ( delete/edit ) and view all published posts by other users. Try to do it in the gh-page example of this repo.
In server folder You will rest-api project based on express.js framework + mongoDB as database. Moongose is selected as ORM. Private endpoints and secure authentification routine based on JWT. Authentication by third party providers (OAuth 2.0 ) Google, Github, mailru.. build with assistance passport.js libary as best authentication middleware for Node.js.
No need have deep dive in express.js, passport.js, mongoose, mongodb, jwt or vue to successfully run locally this project. You need do only a few steps
git clone [email protected]:Dhruuva/post-ops.git
cd post-ops/server
npm install
cp .env.example .env
MONGO_URI Specify the connection string to mongoDB local (mongodb://localhost:27017/databaseName) or cloud instance (mongodb+srv://:@myHost.mqvce.mongodb.net/databaseName?retryWrites=true&w=majority). So poin it in your .env
Creating an OAuth App Create any one in a couple minutes
- Go on https://console.cloud.google.com/
- Go on https://docs.github.com/en/developers/apps/building-oauth-apps/creating-an-oauth-app
- Go on https://help.mail.ru/developers/oauth/app
- Go on https://developers.facebook.com/apps In all case for creation You need specify two parameters
- Web url for you application, it can be like
- redirect url for callbacks hook it may be for Google
or Githubhttp://localhost:5000/api/auth/github/callback
. After successful set up You will get ClientID and secret so poin it in your .env when go to the root folder and type
cd post-ops
npm run srv
Server will start and you can test in browser typing http://localhost:5000/api/version
I recomend install Vue Cli globaly before next steps https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/installation.html
cd post-ops
npm install
cp .env.example .env
To ensure all done a proper way run test
npm run test:unit
in .env file in root folder write
and after type to run client
npm run serve
Vue show You client url in your terminal.
This project has been largely inspired by two work : https://github.com/valentinchelle/nodejs-rest-api-boilerplate https://github.com/madhums/node-express-mongoose-demo