This Application will simulate a student list. It has a web UI to display/delete/add students and courses. The Application is built from 3 services: FrontEnd - located under /frontend - ReactJS web application. Backend API - located under /backend - NodeJS Express server MongoDB - an external Document DB that we use to store our data
- First of all, you need to run the DB. You can do this in a few ways: Downloading, installing and running MongoDB as a service on your computer Running it using Docker (given that you have Docker installed)
#Running mongodb
docker run --name example-mongo -p 27017:27017 -d mongo
- Run the Backend this:
For this, you will need to install NodeJS
Run the following command
./backend npm start
- Run the FrontEnd:
For this, you will need to install NodeJS
Run the following command
./frontend npm start //type "y" when asked to run on another port