The website is build using Jekyll - simple, blog-aware, static site generator.
The template is brought by GDG Lviv team.
- Update
- Select what content blocks do you need in index.html
- Commit and push changes
- Drink a cup of coffee while will publish the site on
To develop locally you need ruby gems & bundler installed.
sudo gem install bundler
Then install all dependencies by calling bundle/npm install while in the source directory:
bundle install
npm install
To compile the files call rake while in the source tree:
bundle exec rake
This will minify the JS, compile the CSS from SASS, and build the jekyll site.
To test a local server with the website locally:
bundle exec rake server
- Design and markup: Oleh Zasadnyy
- Idea and Jekyll integration: Vitaliy Zasadnyy
Project is published under the MIT licence. Feel free to clone and modify repo as you want, but don't forget to add reference to authors :)