no longer supports file uploads. This repo is an archive of the files which had been uploaded to for the group over the first few years of the group.
Uploaded to | File | Description |
2010 September 20 | DenverRUG1_091410.pdf | Slides from our first meetup |
2011 January 26 | ACFinGGPLOT2Presentation.pdf | The slides from Peter's talk on building ACF plots in ggplot2 |
2011 January 28 | ACFinGGPLOT2Presentation.Rnw | For anyone who wants to see the flat file used to create the presentation, all the LaTeX and R code, it is here. |
2011 March 23 | Interactive_graphics_talk.pdf | The slides from our March 22 meetup on Interactive Graphcis. Thanks again to Nels for the wonderful talk! |
2011 May 28 | RDSTK.pdf | Slides from the RDSTK meetup |
2011 October 19 | | This .zip file contains the presentation slides and all source code from the Reducing Computational Expense presentation on 18 October 2011. |
2011 December 14 | non_ply.r | Brief overview of functions from the plyr package other than the **ply family, e.g., for ordering data.frames, operating columnwise on a df, counting combinations of values, adding new vars to a df (like transform), and renaming vars in a df. |
2011 December 14 | RGoogleAnalytics_DenverRUG.pdf | A quick overview of the RGoogleAnalytics package and how you can use it to better track mulitple Google Analytics accounts with R. |
2011 December 14 | rprofile.pdf | |
2012 February 2 | R and BigData.ppt | A short presentation on using R in a Hadoop streaming job. |
2012 March 21 | functionsforMeetup.r | |
2012 March 21 | R and the outside world.odp | |
2012 March 21 | RmeetupWolfrum.r | |
2012 March 21 | RTOTM-Legends2.txt | |
2012 April 17 | | R Code and package installation installation for Bayesian Data Analysis in R talk by Joshua French |
2012 April 18 | DRUG_Bayesian_in_R.pdf | Slides for Bayesian Data Analysis in R by Joshua French. One slide corrected (the full conditional distribution had a typo) |
2012 May 24 | pocernich.namespace.pdf | Matt Pocernich's talk on namespaces |
2012 May 24 | SNOW_and_Rgpu_DenverRUG.pdf | Theo's talk on parallel computing |
2012 July 17 | DRUG Guideposts.ppt | Navigational aids for CU Rm. 470 |
2012 August 29 | | For those who attended the Knitr is Better than Sweave Meetup on 28 August 2012 here is The file contains all four examples for using knitr with LaTeX and HTML. See the README file for more info on the contents of the .zip file. |
2013 June 28 | Amazon Cloud and R.pdf | Slides from "Amaxon Cloud and R" presented by David Astling on June 18 2013. Provides step-by-step instrucions for launching an instance and running R in the cloud, considerations before starting, and an introcuditon to HPC. |
2015 January 7 | 2015_01_06 Denver RUG - RRO.pdf | Revolution R Open - Revolution's new open source offering. |
2015 January 7 | 2015_01_06 Denver RUG - RRO example.R | RRO demo script - contains performance comparison's against CRAN's R without MKL and examples using the checkpoint and version compare pacakges. |
2016 September 1 | 2016_08_31 Parallel computing in R.pdf | |
2016 September 1 | embarassingly parallel methods.R |