A comparison of Base R, Tidyverse, data.table.
Each directory contains examples for common data manipulation tasks using different dialects.
NOTE: all the example scripts are expected to be evaluated from the project root directory.
You will need the following packages to reproduce the examples here:
- tidyverse
- data.table
- microbenchmark
- profmem
Check for, and install if needed, the packages via the following:
pkgs <- c("tidyverse", "data.table", "microbenchmark", "profmem")
for (p in pkgs[!(pkgs %in% installed.packages())]) {
Data sets used in the examples are provided in the 000_data_sets
Please refer to the noted sources for additional detail on the data sets.
File | Rows | Columns |
./000_data_sets/RECS/2009/recs2009_public.csv | 12,083 | 940 |
./000_data_sets/RECS/2015/recs2015_public_v4.csv | 5,686 | 759 |
./000_data_sets/RECS/2020/recs2020_public_v1.csv | 18,496 | 601 |
Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS)
- Data from the 2009, 2015, and 2020 surveys
- Downloaded from https://www.eia.gov/consumption/residential/data/2020/ (last accessed 8 July 2022)
Physician/Supplier Procedure Summary (PSPS)
The Physician/Supplier Procedure Summary (PSPS) LDS file is a summary of calendar year Medicare Part B carrier and durable medical equipment fee-for-service claims. The file is organized by carrier, pricing locality, Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code, HCPCS modifier, provider specialty, type of service, and place of service. The summarized fields are total submitted services and charges, total allowed services and charges, total denied services and charges, and total payment amounts.
Counts under 11 are censored from this data
Download from https://data.cms.gov/summary-statistics-on-use-and-payments/physiciansupplier-procedure-summary (last accessed 8 July 2022)
Additional Details: https://www.cms.gov/research-statistics-data-systems/limited-data-set-lds-files/physiciansupplier-procedure-summary-psps-limited-data-set-lds
The size of this data is large, about 9GB when fully decompressed. To store that much data in a "reasonable" way on github the download csv files were split into smaller chunks and then compressed with gzip.