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Payload workflow plugin

Note This plugin is currently under active development and still in an early stage. Check the roadmap below in this readme for more details / upcoming features.

Shows an image illustrating the payload-workflow plugin


The most recent version of payload-workflow currently only supports Payload 2.0 and up. For older payload versions, please use [email protected]

$ yarn add payload-workflow

Basic usage

import { payloadWorkflow } from 'payload-workflow';

const config = buildConfig({
  collections: [ ... ],
  plugins: [
      'my-collection-slug': {
        statuses: [
          {value: 'draft', label: 'Draft'},
          {value: 'in-progress', label: 'In Progress'},
          {value: 'ready-for-review', label: 'Ready for review'},
          {value: 'published', label: 'Published'},
        defaultStatus: 'draft',
        hideNoStatusColumn: false

Differences with the draft/publish system of Payload.

The workflow plugin introduces a new field called workflowStatus. This field does not interact with the draft/publish system of Payload.

You can "integrate" the workflow status with the draft/publish system of Payload yourself by using Payloads hooks.

For example: Automatically publish the document when the workflowStatus has been changed to published.


Upcoming Features / Ideas. Have a suggestion for the plugin? Feel free to open an issue or contribute!
  • Payload 2.0 support
  • Customize card properties (currently displays title and createdAt)
  • Edit relationships directly from the card (e.g., assigning users to a document)
  • Toggleable column for posts without a workflow status (Currently, documents lacking workflowStatus aren't visible on the board)
  • Lazy loading of column contents when scrolling (Currently, board only shows defaultLimit amount of cards)
  • Permissions for changing statuses
  • Allowed transitions between statuses
  • Integration with the draft/publish system of Payload (?)