I recently found Blankfiles' stunning work on iLogic Revisited, and the whole idea of having many of the stock JS plugins as embedded versions was really interesting.
I don't know exactly which plugins Blankfiles is working on; meanwhile, I made some embedded MCP versions for my most used JSFX.
You can install them via this ReaPack repo:
Note I'm not a graphic designer, and I just learned about JSFX and Geraint's library a week ago; for the knobs, I used Analog Obsession's Channev as a base and Mawi's awesome EQ P3B knobs. If you can improve these designs or the performance, you are more than welcome.
I tried to keep the GUI that some JSFX originally had, for example, Mawi's Pulteq EQ or Sonic Anomaly Transpire. Just added the embedded GUI.
Some are modifications of JSFX by chamaha, saike, and mawi.
The complete list of the included JSFX is:
- D 1175 Compressor
- D Analog Summing
- D Avocado Glitch
- D DeEsser
- D Distortion
- D Event Horizon Clipper
- D FairlyChild Compressor
- D Floaty Delay
- D Gain Panning
- D Gate
- D Huge Booty Bass
- D Louderizer
- D Master Limiter
- D MGA Limiter
- D Ozzifier
- D P3B EQ
- D Ping Pong Pan
- D Quick Delay
- D RBJ Highpass Lowpass
- D RC Inflator
- D Reverb Hall
- D Reverb Plate
- D Reverb Room
- D Saturation
- D Smooth Limiter
- D Stereoizer
- D Thunderkick
- D Tom Compressor
- D Transpire
- D Ugly Pitch Shifter
Main GitHub: https://github.com/DemianDeVante/Demian-Reaper-Effects
I tried making it fit as embedded on really small and big themes, but haven't tested it thoroughly.