DaySmart Scheduling API providing functionality to other services.
- Runtime & SDK: dotnet 6.0
- Language: C# 10
- Framework: aspnetcore-6.0
- Database: AWS DocDB 4 (partially compatible mongodb derivative)
- Using the dotnet/C# MongoDB driver
You can run the application locally, self-contained by using the provided container image definition and compose file that is included in the repo root directory.
docker-compose up
NOTE The included compose file loads two container images, the built project image and a supporting mongo database.
NOTE Initial run of the compose file will build the container and the project. If you wish to rebuild the project you will have to execute a
docker-compose build
# Reservation development
dotnet run --project ./src/Scheduling.Reservation.API/Scheduling.Reservation.API.csproj
# Availability development
dotnet run --project ./src/Scheduling.Availability.API/Scheduling.Availability.API.csproj
# unit tests
dotnet test -c Release --verbosity normal --filter "Category!=LongRunning"