Switch from HighlightHelper to manipulating selection …
Two main benefits:
- While moving over Review list, as selection is updated, tags are easy to see in Tags window since we select objects...
- When selecting random building its nice to know if it was changed or not and how
Fix keyboard Space key toggling not working on Windows
Improved text on list labels
Now includes:
- new+deleted= It was loaded with negative Id(it means object doesn't exists on OSM.org), and was deleted inside JOSM
- deleted= It was loaded with positive Id(it means object already exists on OSM.org), and was deleted inside JOSM
- new+modified = It was loaded with negative Id(it means object doesn't exists on OSM.org), and was modified inside JOSM
- modified = It was loaded with positive Id(it means object already exists on OSM.org), and was modified inside JOSM
- new = It was loaded with negative Id(it means object doesn't exists on OSM.org), but not modified since inside JOSM
- moved = Object itself didn't change but one of child nodes did