Official Munki documentation about custom conditions :
You have to put theses files (not folders !) in /usr/local/munki/conditions (create the conditions folder if is not there) on the Munki client.
After a standard Munki check, you can look for the 'Conditions' dictionary in /Library/Managed Installs/ManagedInstallReport.plist
You can add this code in the site_default manifest to deploy a special manifest for a specific WS1 UEM group only.
<string>ws1_devicesmartgroup CONTAINS "Some WS1 UEM group name"</string>
<string>some special manifest</string>
You can add this code in any manifest to deploy two special packages only on client where "anyfile" exist.
<string>anyfile == 'true'</string>
<string>special install 1</string>
<string>special install 2</string>