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Passenger Quickstart Guide

Buckle up for a smooth and safe remote access.

Get Started

15 min.

In this unit you will learn how to install Passenger using Docker.

At the end of this section, you will have a working Passenger instance behind a reverse proxy. The reverse proxy used in this guide is traefik, but any other preferable option would work fine.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following tools installed:

  • Docker - Containerization platform for running Passenger.
  • Docker Compose - Used to manage multi-container Docker applications (only necessary for older Docker versions; Compose V2 is included in newer versions).
  • KeePass - Used for the local and static vault


This step-by-step installation guide is intended for testing and development purposes and should not be used in a production environment.

Step 1: Prepare

Open a terminal session and create a folder /opt/passenger (or any other location). Create following folders:

cd /opt/passenger
mkdir config
mkdir db

Run vi .env and paste following content:
[email protected]


  • DNS Entries: Make sure that you have configured DNS entries for $SSH_FQDN, $WRITE_FQDN and $READ_FQDN to point to the machine where you are installing the software. These entries are necessary for proper operation and accessibility.
  • POSTMASTER_EMAIL: The email address specified in POSTMASTER_EMAIL must be valid and correctly configured. This email is used by Traefik to issue Let's Encrypt certificates.

Run vi config/passenger.yml and paste following content:

# Database
dsn: /db/passenger.db
# HTTP Read Server
    - root/server/read-api
# HTTP Write Server
    - root/server/write-api
# SSH Server
# Vault
    path: /db/vault.kdbx
    passwordPath: /config/vault-password
# User Management
  provider: static

Run vi docker-compose.yml and paste following content:

version: "3.6"

    image: "traefik:v2.10"
    container_name: "traefik"
    network_mode: bridge # bad design, fixme sometime
      # - "--log.level=DEBUG"
      - "--api.insecure=false"
      - "--providers.docker=true"
      - "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false"
      - "--entrypoints.websecure.address=:443"
      - "--certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.tlschallenge=true"
      - ""
      - "443:443"
      - "8080:8080"
      - "letsencrypt:/letsencrypt"
      - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"

    restart: always
    image: dariocalovic/passenger:latest
    network_mode: bridge # bad design, fixme sometime
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.passenger-read.rule=Host(`${READ_FQDN}`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.passenger-read.entrypoints=websecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.passenger-read.tls.certresolver=myresolver"
      - "traefik.http.routers.passenger-read.service=passenger-read"
      - ""
      - "traefik.http.routers.passenger-write.rule=Host(`${WRITE_FQDN}`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.passenger-write.entrypoints=websecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.passenger-write.tls.certresolver=myresolver"
      - "traefik.http.routers.passenger-write.service=passenger-write"
      - ""
      - "${EXPOSED_SSH_PORT}:2222"
      - ./db:/db
      - ./config:/config


Step 2: Create the vault password

Run the following command to create a vault password:

Run echo -n $(openssl rand -base64 32) > config/vault-password

Step 3: Pull the Docker image

Pull the Docker images defined in docker-compose.yml:

docker-compose pull


When the required images are successfully pulled, the terminal will return the following:
Pulling traefik ... done
Pulling passenger ... done

Step 4: Start the Passenger Instance

To start the Passenger instance, run:

docker-compose up -d

The terminal will return the following:
Creating passenger_passenger_1 ... done
Creating traefik ... done


Run the following command to see a list of running containers:

docker ps -a

Run following command, to see if passenger has started:

docker logs -f passenger_passenger_1

You should see following logs:

2024/07/24 18:50:24 SSH proxy server listening on
time="2024-07-24T18:50:24Z" level=info msg="Server listening on" endpoint=write
time="2024-07-24T18:50:24Z" level=info msg="Server listening on" endpoint=read


Before using Passenger, you need to extract the write and read users from the vault to perform actions.

Initial Setup

On the initial start, Passenger should have created a file called /opt/passenger/db/vault.kdbx. To access this file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the /opt/passenger/db/vault.kdbx file with KeePass.
  2. Retrieve the master password from /opt/passenger/config/vault-password.

You should find two entries under root/server:

  • write-api
  • read-api

Configuring Authentication Tokens

  1. Copy the content of the write-api entry.
  2. Run the following command to set the WRITE_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable (replace username and password with the actual values from KeePass):
export WRITE_AUTH_TOKEN=$(echo -n 'username:password' | base64 -w 0)
  1. Repeat the above steps for the read-api entry:
export READ_AUTH_TOKEN=$(echo -n 'username:password' | base64 -w 0)
  1. Set the environment variables for the Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) of your endpoints:
export WRITE_FQDN=""
export READ_FQDN=""

Now you can use Passenger in your console session with a web client like curl.

User Management

Adding a user

To add a user, you first need to create a credential:

  1. Run the following command to create a credential for the user:

    curl --request PUT \
    --url https://$WRITE_FQDN/credential \
    --header "authorization: Basic $WRITE_AUTH_TOKEN" \
    --data '{
        "identifier": "root/users/tony",
        "provider": "static",
        "data": {
            "username": "tony",
            "password": "secret"
  2. To verify your newly created credential, run the following command:

    curl --silent --request GET \
    --url https://$READ_FQDN/credential?identifier=root/users/tony \
    --header "authorization: Basic $READ_AUTH_TOKEN" \
    | jq
  3. Add the user by referencing the created credential:

    curl --request PUT \
    --url https://$WRITE_FQDN/user \
    --header "authorization: Basic $WRITE_AUTH_TOKEN" \
    --data '{
        "identifier": "tony",
        "username": "tony",
        "credential": "root/users/tony",
        "roles": [
  4. To verify your newly created user, run the following command:

    curl --silent --request GET \
    --url https://$READ_FQDN/user?identifier=tony \
    --header "authorization: Basic $READ_AUTH_TOKEN" \
    | jq

Target Management

Adding a Target

To add a target, follow these steps:

  1. Create a credential for the target. Note that this credential is used to connect to the target, so the user with this credential needs to exist on the Linux host.

    curl --request PUT \
    --url https://$WRITE_FQDN/credential \
    --header "authorization: Basic $WRITE_AUTH_TOKEN" \
    --data '{
        "identifier": "root/targets/eclipse/john",
        "provider": "static",
        "data": {
            "username": "clark",
            "password": "secret"
  2. To verify your newly created credential, run the following command:

    curl --silent --request GET \
    --url https://$READ_FQDN/credential?identifier=root/targets/eclipse/john \
    --header "authorization: Basic $READ_AUTH_TOKEN" \
    | jq
  3. Add the target with the appropriate details. Note that the address should be specified as host:port of the target machine. Additionally, ensure that allowed_ips includes your remote IP address in CIDR notation, e.g., YOUR_IP/32.

    curl --request PUT \
    --url https://$WRITE_FQDN/target \
    --header "authorization: Basic $WRITE_AUTH_TOKEN" \
    --data '{
        "identifier": "eclipse",
        "address": "",
        "credential": "root/targets/eclipse/john",
        "policy": {
            "reason_required": true,
            "session_max_connections": 2,
            "session_max_seconds": 30,
            "allowed_roles": [
            "allowed_ips": [
  4. To verify your newly created target, run the following command:

    curl --silent --request GET \
    --url https://$READ_FQDN/target?identifier=eclipse \
    --header "authorization: Basic $READ_AUTH_TOKEN" \
    | jq


You have set up your user and target with the necessary credentials. You are now ready to log in to your target via the configured Passenger proxy.

  1. Run the following command to initiate the SSH session ( with your passenger's ssh endpoint SSH_FQDN):

  2. Enter the user password you defined in the credential setup.

  3. Upon successful password authentication, you will be prompted for a Reason. Enter any reason you like.

  4. Passenger will inject the credential and establish a remote connection to the specified target.

Happy Shelling!

Session Management

Get All Sessions

To retrieve all sessions, run the following command:

curl --silent --request GET \
--url https://$READ_FQDN/session \
--header "authorization: Basic $READ_AUTH_TOKEN" \
| jq

Note: If you do not have jq installed, you can omit the | jq part of the command. This will output the raw JSON response directly.


Run the following command to view real-time logs from the Passenger container:

docker logs -f passenger_passenger_1

This command will stream the logs to your terminal, allowing you to observe any errors or warnings that may be occurring.


Buckle up for a smooth and safe remote access.



