Color Flood is a 2D coloring game where cells are colored by their neighbours spread.
- The game board is of size M x N and is initialized with random colors.
- Each turn the player must choose a color and type it in (red (r), blue (b), green (g), yellow (y)).
- The top left cell is the starting cell.
- The new color (that the player chose) spreads to all the neighbors of the starting cell which have the same color as it does.
- To win, the board must be of one color at a maximum of 21 moves.
- The player loses if after 21 moves the board is not colored in a single color.
- Undo support:
- When the user types the letter 'u', the board goes back to the previous state it was in.
- The user can type 'u' as many times he wants and each time the board goes back a state.
- When the board is in the initial state, typing 'u' should change nothing.
- Knight move:
- When the user types the letter 'k', the board toggles its state onward so the spreading algorithm uses knight moves instead of the regular up-down-right-left.
- When the user types the letter 'k' the second time, the board switches back to the regular spreading algorithm.
- Joker cells:
- Initialize random cells to be used as special joker cells.
- Each time a special joker cell is colored, it colors all of its direct neighbors regardless of their color.
usage: [-h] [-m] [-n] [-w --win-turns] [-c --colors] [-j --jokers]
Color Flood Game Configuration
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m Number of rows in the board
-n Number of columns in the board
-w, --win-turns Maximum number of turns to win
-c, --colors Game colors
-j, --jokers Number of joker cells
You may install the Redis tool using ./
, afterwards each game round's statistics will be dumped into it.