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DSI Core Readme


This project implements a MIPI DSI (MIPI Display Serial Interface) Verilog core. Since the DSI specification is non-public and requires an NDA, the core was built using bits and pieces available throughout the Web: presentations, display controller/SOC datasheets, various application notes and Android kernel drivers. The author is not associated in any way with the MIPI Alliance. The core is provided as-is, it has never been verified for compliance with the DSI standard and it probably lacks many of its features. You use it at your own risk, there's no warranty.

Get it up and running

  • This is an XC6 Spartan project. It cannot be synthesized using Xilinx' new toolchain (Vivado). You'll have to use the original ISE toolchain.
  • Version 2 of the HDL part depends on the original author's implementation of a RISC-V core. Don't get it from his github. It won't work. Go to the Open Hardware Repository instead: Download the entire repository and unzip it to the subdirectory ip_cores/urv-core. Else, ISE will complain about missing files. Why not the version from the author's github? It won't implement.
  • Adding the Xilinx HDMI IP needs a little care: The unpack script will write read-only files. So patching fails. This repo contains a modified version of the unpack script.
  • Running with default settings there will be two timing errors (zero point something ns during RAM access, Timing constraint: TS_pll_clk_sys = PERIOD TIMEGRP "pll_clk_sys" TS_clk_25m_i * 3.875 HIGH 50%; ). These may be fixed by re-running the timing analysis against auto-generated timing constraints (or getting a faster FPGA :P).
  • Xilinx's old ISE doesn't seem to be as good as the new one (Vivado) when doing consistency checks wrt bus/signal width. When synthesizing in Vivado, there will be several errors like this one: [Synth 8-549] port width mismatch for port 'pix_i': port width = 24, actual width = 48. You'll have to fix these: dsi_core.v contains a definition for g_lanes which is set to three. Modify it to be four (in accordance with the definition in rev2_top.vhd). Four errors gone.
  • You may safely ignore the one, unrouted trace in v2 of the PCB. KiCad doesn't realize there is an overlay between two polygons of the 2v5 net and draws this line. Unconnected trace, may safely be ignored.

Additional Information


  • All HDL (unless otherwise noted) is released under LGPL v3.0
  • All software (unless otherwise noted), is GPL v 3.0 or later.
  • PCB design and schematics are licensed under CERN Open Hardware License v 1.2.
