- For Probe-based spatial transcriptome (such as: merFISH, STARmap, seqFISH):
- target few genes
- with spatial information of all cells
- For single cell RNA-seq:
- detect all genes
- with out spatial information
- After infer: transcriptome-wide spatial expression
- all genes
- with spatial information
# This package based on Seurat and harmony.
# You can find more in:
# https://satijalab.org/seurat/articles/install.html
# https://github.com/immunogenomics/harmony
install.packages(c('Seurat', "harmony"))
install.packages("devtools") # if you have not installed "devtools" package
# scRNA-seq data
# merFISH data
NA_merFISH_infer = infer_v2(NA_merFISH, NA_scRNA)
A Seurat object: Inferred expresstion matrix is stored in "enhanced" assay.
For step by step usage, see: