Metering services for Nautilus Cloud
This project provides a simple, fast and extensible layer for counting user requests and enforcing various authorization policies. While designed to work with the Nautilus Cloud ecosystem, the layer is generic and flexible enough to work in other environments.
The layer is built around a nginx reverse proxy, a Scala based agent process for authorizing client requests and an event store to record decisions and associated meta data.
There are 3 main components:
Nginx Module : An access level module that constructs authorization requests based on incoming client queries. These requests are forwarded to the agent process for evaluation. The client request is either denied or permitted through the proxy based on the result of this evaluation. Multiple instances of the module may be active within the same nginx process.
Scala Agent : Evaluates the authorization request based on policy information fetched from an external source, in this case Nautilus Cloud. Once a decision has been made and relayed to the nginx module, the agent also records the decision event to the event store.
Event Store : A suitable data store for recording decisions. In the current architecture, we utilize InfluxDB.
Two separate configuration entries are required.
The first entry is a load_module
directive that instructs nginx to load the metering
module. This directive must exist in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
file at the top level.
For example:
load_module modules/; # path relative to /etc/nginx/
events {
http {
The second set of entries are to be included in the location
configuration block. The
following example shows how to enable the metering module for a site that serves
nginx's status page.
server {
server_name protected-service.some.domain;
listen 9090;
location /nginx_status {
stub_status on;
metered_access_ipc_fd_path "/tmp/metering.sock";
metered_access on;
metered_access_io_timeout 10;
metered_access_extract_header "apiKey";
The module can be enabled in multiple location blocks, to meter different sites simultaneously. To help the agent
process differentiate requests from different sites, the metered_access_servername
directive can be used to
configure a tag which will be sent with each authorization request to the agent.
The following table explains the various directives available:
Directive | Required | Argument to pass | Description |
metered_access_servername | No | Server / Service Name | Name of the server that will be used to tag the authorization requests with. Defaults to unset . |
metered_access_ipc_fd_path | Yes | Full path to socket file. | Must be writable by both agent process and nginx. |
metered_access | Yes | on or off | Turns the module on or off. In the off state all requests are assumed to be authorized. |
metered_access_io_timeout | Yes | Timeout in seconds | The time in seconds that the module should wait for an answer to an authorization request from the agent process before denying the associated client request. |
metered_access_extract_header | No | Name of HTTP header | The name of the HTTP header to extract from the client request and send along with the authorization request. This directive can be repeated multiple times. If the header indicated by the directive does not exist, then no value will be emitted in the authorization request. |
A complete working example of the nginx configuration may be found here.
The Scala agent process is configured by providing an application config. A reference configuration with all fields may be found here.
The requirements for the build process are:
- The base development package for your distro should be installed. For example, in Arch Linux this would be
and in ubuntu it would bebuild-essential
. libpcre++-dev zlib1g-dev libjansson-dev
should be installed. Check your distro's package manager for the exact package name.sbt
should be installed. This project currently uses version 1.3.4.
Since both C
and Scala
code must be compiled, a shell script
is provided for
managing the build process. This script also automates the download of the nginx source
Before building the nginx version must be set in
via the environment variable
. Once set, compile the project by running
without any arguments.
See the Docker-based deploy section below.
The requirements for deploying are:
The agent process must be installed on the same host as where nginx is running. It must additionally run as the same user as the nginx worker processes. This is usually
in most distributions. -
Sudo access to install the compiled module file on the host on which nginx is running.
JRE 8 should be installed to run the agent itself.
Steps to deploy, build artifacts are available in the target/
- Copy the compiled module
. - Configure nginx as written above.
- Copy the agent jar file to the same host.
- Start the agent via
java -jar metering-agent-x.y.jar
For Docker base deploy follow these steps:
- Be in the root directory of the repo.
- Run
docker-compose up
. This starts the entire stack with a sample nginx configuration. Seedocker/nginx.conf
Results of a quick load test performed using the above mentioned docker-compose file and default settings. All time is in milliseconds.
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 4800 (OK=4800 KO=0 )
> min response time 0 (OK=0 KO=- )
> max response time 10023 (OK=10023 KO=- )
> mean response time 6 (OK=6 KO=- )
> std deviation 205 (OK=205 KO=- )
> response time 50th percentile 1 (OK=1 KO=- )
> response time 75th percentile 2 (OK=2 KO=- )
> response time 95th percentile 3 (OK=3 KO=- )
> response time 99th percentile 6 (OK=6 KO=- )
> mean requests/sec 40 (OK=40 KO=- )
---- Response Time Distribution ------------------------------------------------
> t < 800 ms 4798 (100%)
> 800 ms < t < 1200 ms 0 ( 0%)
> t > 1200 ms 2 ( 0%)
> failed 0 ( 0%)
The output was generated by Gatling using the following scenario configuration:
package tech.cryptonomic.nautilus.metering
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Random
class HammerTest extends Simulation {
val s = scenario("One Valid One Invalid")
.exec(http("Valid ApiKey").get(session => "/nginx_status").headers(Map("apiKey" -> "engage")))
.exec(http("Invalid ApiKey").get(session => "/nginx_status").headers(Map("apiKey" -> "engage2")).check(
val httpOptions = http.baseUrl("http://localhost:9090")
setUp(s.inject(constantUsersPerSec(20) during (120 seconds)).protocols(httpOptions))