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Harpoon is a staking dashboard for the Tezos blockchain built using ConseilJS. Harpoon collects metrics about each baker on the Tezos network and allows users to search for and evaluate bakers based on these performance stats. The data includes blocks baked, missed, and stolen, stake relative to the rest of the network, as well as a letter grade based on a normalized scoring system. Harpoon also enables baker auditing by showing the rewards won and paid out. Cryptonomic has a public deployment of Harpoon under the Arronax umbrella of blockchain analytics products.


Docker and Docker-compose are required to run Harpoon. You will also need access to a tezos node and Conseil server, both of which can be acquired via Nautilus Cloud

Installing and Running

Harpoon can be downloaded and configured using the following commands:

git clone
cd Harpoon

Doing so will launch a configuration script that will allow the user to enter various config details and automatically creates the necessary config files. Here is a brief description of the various configuration options:

Options Description Example
conseil_host Host server's address running conseil
conseil_port Port open for querying conseil on the conseil server 443
api_key Your personal API Key from Nautilus Cloud MYAPIKEY
tezos_host Tezos node's address
tezos_port Port open for RPC requests on the tezos node 8732
host_db_port Port at which the local Postgres database that will be created should be accessible on 5432
db_password Password to set for user postgres on the local Postgres database password
host_web_port Port at which Harpoon should be available from. 8080
start_cycle Port at which Harpoon should be available from. 260

It is recommended to specify a sync start cycle that is at least 16 cycles before the current cycle for all of the features to work correctly.

After configuration, Harpoon can be run through Docker using the following commands:

docker-compose up --build

Doing so will result in an endpoint at<web_server_port>. A Postgres database is also accessible on the local machine through the corresponding port specified during configuration a well.

On startup, Harpoon will display metrics for the most recent baker. Other bakers can be searched for by baker name or public key hash. Some features, such as letter grades and rewards auditing, will be unable initally as the Postgres database syncs.

How It Works

Much of the functionality of Harpoon is achieved through client-side javascript using ConseilJS, such as the stats on the top left panel that provide an outline for the baker's performance in the last cycle. However, for information that is data intensive or not available through Conseil, a database is maintained and kept up-to-date using additional indexing scripts in Python. The following sections provide an overview for some of the less conventional pieces of information that are collected.

Snapshot Data

Every cycle in the Tezos blockchain has a snapshot index associated with it. This index is a value chosen at random from 0-15 and used to pick one of sixteen roll balance snapshots taken PRESERVED_CYCLES - 2 = 7 cycles behind. This balance snapshot is then used to determine baking rights thus making it important in various aspects of baking.

Many of the mechanisms in Harpoon reference the following values:

  • snapshot_index: a random value (0-15) used to pick the snapshot
  • snapshot_block_level: the level number of the snapshot used in a cycle
  • snapshot_level: the level one block before the snapshot block

Given the snapshot index of a cycle x, snapshot_block_level can be calculated with the following logic.

  1. (x - PRESERVED_CYCLES - 2) * CYCLE_SIZE gives the level of the first block of the cycle which the snapshot_index was used in (cycle x-7)
  2. (snapshot_index + 1) * SNAPSHOT_BLOCKS gives the level position of the snapshot in the cycle. Since there are only 16 evenly spaced snapshots per cycle, a snapshot is taken every BLOCKS_PER_CYCLE/16 = SNAPSHOT_BLOCKS blocks. In the current mainnet, this value is 256.

Thus, the snapshot block used for for cycle x would be:
(x - PRESERVED_CYCLES - 2) * CYCLE_SIZE + (snapshot_index + 1) * SNAPSHOT_BLOCKS

The snapshot taken at the snapshot block only contains the rolls which each baker had at that point, however. The balances for all accounts in the snapshot are the values before the operations in the snapshot block have settled. snapshot_level which is just snapshot_block_level - 1 , is thus used to get all of the necessary balance data

Baker Grade Calculation

Bakers are scored based on their baking and endorsing performance from the last four periods. A baker should have ideally baked/endorsed in at least 30 cycles for a reliable grade. However, they can still be graded if they have baked/endorsed in at least 15 cycles (there will be an asterisk next to their grade if this is the case). Read about how works in more detail here.

Delegate History

Delegate history is not pulled through Conseil in order to have more fine grained control over when the data is recorded. In order to ensure accuracy in baker payout calculations, the delegate history is also taken at the snapshot_level for every cycle.