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Extends the OpenShift console with data from the CrowdStrike Falcon platform.


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Falcon OpenShift Console Plugin

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This is a dynamic plugin for the Red Hat OpenShift console. The plugin provides additional visibility to the Falcon operator and Falcon-protected virtual machines and pods.

Extension to the VirtualMachine page

Screenshot of the virtual machine page extension.

Extension to the Pod page

Screenshot of the pod page extension.


The Falcon OpenShift Console Plugin is an open source project, not a CrowdStrike product. As such, it carries no formal support, expressed or implied.


Deploy the Helm chart

The Falcon OpenShift Console Plugin is available at

Install the chart using the name of the plugin as the Helm release name into a new namespace or an existing namespace as specified by the plugin_console-plugin-template parameter by using the following command:

helm upgrade -i  falcon-openshift-console-plugin charts/openshift-console-plugin -n falcon-openshift-console-plugin --create-namespace --set


When defining i18n namespace, adhere plugin__<name-of-the-plugin> format. The name of the plugin should be extracted from the consolePlugin declaration within the package.json file.


  1. Create a CrowdStrike API client with the following permissions:

    • Alerts: Read
    • Hosts: Read
    • Vulnerabilities: Read
    • Falcon Container Image: Read
  2. In the same namespace as virtual machine or pod workloads where you want security visibility, create a secret named crowdstrike-api with the following fields:

    • cloud (e.g. us-1)
    • client_id
    • client_secret


This configuration assumes any user with access to read secrets in the chosen namespace should have access to the API client itself, as well as the related data from the Falcon platform.

If you have multiple namespaces where you want to surface CrowdStrike security data, you will need to configure a crowdstrike-api secret in each.


Node.js and yarn are required to build and run the example. To run OpenShift console in a container, either Docker or podman 3.2.0+ and oc are required.

Option 1: Local

In one terminal window, run:

  1. yarn install
  2. yarn run start

In another terminal window, run:

  1. oc login (requires oc and an OpenShift cluster)
  2. yarn run start-console (requires Docker or podman 3.2.0+)

This will run the OpenShift console in a container connected to the cluster you've logged into. The plugin HTTP server runs on port 9001 with CORS enabled. Navigate to http://localhost:9000/example to see the running plugin.

Running start-console with Apple silicon and podman

If you are using podman on a Mac with Apple silicon, yarn run start-console might fail since it runs an amd64 image. You can workaround the problem with qemu-user-static by running these commands:

podman machine ssh
sudo -i
rpm-ostree install qemu-user-static
systemctl reboot

Option 2: Docker + VSCode Remote Container

Make sure the Remote Containers extension is installed. This method uses Docker Compose where one container is the OpenShift console and the second container is the plugin. It requires that you have access to an existing OpenShift cluster. After the initial build, the cached containers will help you start developing in seconds.

  1. Create a dev.env file inside the .devcontainer folder with the correct values for your cluster:
  1. (Ctrl+Shift+P) => Remote Containers: Open Folder in Container...
  2. yarn run start
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:9000/example


The plugin template demonstrates how you can translate messages in with react-i18next. The i18n namespace must match the name of the ConsolePlugin resource with the plugin__ prefix to avoid naming conflicts. For example, the plugin template uses the plugin__console-plugin-template namespace. You can use the useTranslation hook with this namespace as follows:

conster Header: React.FC = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation('plugin__console-plugin-template');
  return <h1>{t('Hello, World!')}</h1>;

For labels in console-extensions.json, you can use the format %plugin__console-plugin-template~My Label%. Console will replace the value with the message for the current language from the plugin__console-plugin-template namespace. For example:

  "type": "console.navigation/section",
  "properties": {
    "id": "admin-demo-section",
    "perspective": "admin",
    "name": "%plugin__console-plugin-template~Plugin Template%"

Running yarn i18n updates the JSON files in the locales folder of the plugin template when adding or changing messages.


This project adds prettier, eslint, and stylelint. Linting can be run with yarn run lint.

The stylelint config disallows hex colors since these cause problems with dark mode (starting in OpenShift console 4.11). You should use the PatternFly global CSS variables for colors instead.

The stylelint config also disallows naked element selectors like table and .pf- or .co- prefixed classes. This prevents plugins from accidentally overwriting default console styles, breaking the layout of existing pages. The best practice is to prefix your CSS classnames with your plugin name to avoid conflicts. Please don't disable these rules without understanding how they can break console styles!


Steps to generate reports

  1. In command prompt, navigate to root folder and execute the command yarn run cypress-merge
  2. Then execute command yarn run cypress-generate The cypress-report.html file is generated and should be in (/integration-tests/screenshots) directory
