cromlech.marshallers provides ways to convert data between Python objects and other formats.
Currently, cromlech.marshallers supports :
- JSON (native & RapidJSON)
- pickle (native)
- marshal (native)
- msgpack
Marshallers using third party libraries use conditionnal import. Check the extra_requires to include them transparently.
>>> from cromlech.marshallers import JSONMarshaller >>> marshaller = JSONMarshaller() >>> struct = [1, "two", 3] >>> data = marshaller.dumps(struct) >>> assert marshaller.loads(data) == struct
Each marshaller can handle strings or bytes (according to their binary nature), streams and files.
>>> marshaller.dumps(struct) >>> marshaller.loads(data) >>> marshaller.dump(struct, stream) >>> marshaller.load(stream)
File access is watched by a lock that prevents concurrency. This lock can be configured to include a comprehensive timeout.
>>> marshaller.dump_to(struct, path, timeout=2) >>> marshaller.load_from(path, timeout=2)
In addition to that, the marshaller can be used as a decorator, in order to marshal the result of a function or method :
>>> @marshaller.wraps ... def hello(): ... return 'world'
You can read the detailed usages here