make install
Note: Each command is blocking (waits for the server to respond)
You can create a new api entry-point with:
credid_api_t *api = auth_api_init("", 8999);
Then you have to authenticate the connection:
creid_api_auth(api, "root", "toor");
You can verify the result of the last command with (0 = failure, 1 = success):
You can check if you have access to a resource with:
credid_api_user_has_access_to(api, "write", "/test");
if (credid_api_success(api) == 1) {
You can define query's options by specifing them as optional arguments:
credid_api_group_list(api, "PAGE=1", "COUNT=1");
The api provide a implementation of the full credid RFC v0.2.
- Group management
- User management
- Authentication
- Failure and success check
And also
- Logs (see the header file
- No memory leaks
- Most of the system calls and memory allocation are verified
- Usage of secure stdlib (strNcmp etc.)
- Thread safe for one resource (can manage each connection in one thread, but NOT one connection in more than ONE thread)
- Password are not logged