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Data Processing Steps and Data Dictionaries

Eric Fegraus edited this page Jul 20, 2018 · 1 revision


Data processing scripts located in the rscripts folder transform and standardize the camera trap data to produce a series of files that are used by ShinyCam

  • team_rate_of_detection.csv
  • rate_of_detection_MARIN_total.csv

(Raw) TEAM Camera Trap Data:

Camera trap data associated with the TEAM project are currently available in one CSV file, named Terrestrial_Vertebrate.csv.

Form Value Definition Data Type Example
ID Unique ID for each photo in dataset. Numeric 426758
Site Name Name of site where photo was taken. String Yasuni
Sampling Unit Name String CT-YAS-1-01
Latitude Latitude of deployment location. Numeric -0.6092808
Longitude Longitude of deployment location Numeric -76.45798
Sampling Period 2011.01
Photo Type Type of photo that was taken (e.g. Animal, Unknown) String Animal
Photo Date Date photo was taken. Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2011-04-10
Photo Time Time photo was taken. Time (hh:mm:ss) 23:18:17
Raw Name Name of JPG file. String IMG_0002.JPG
Photo Notes Notes relating to photo. String
Photo ID URL URL to download photo. String
Class Biological taxonomy level. String MAMMALIA
Order Biological taxonomy level. String RODENTIA
Family Biological taxonomy level. String CUNICULIDAE
Genus Biological taxonomy level. String Cuniculus
Species Biological taxonomy level. String paca
Number of Animals Count of animals in image. Numeric 1
Person Identifying the Photo First and last name of person who identified photo. String John Doe
Camera Serial Number Serial number of the camera track. String P900DD114014965
Memory Card Serial Number String CT-YAS-01
Camera Notes String
Camera Start Date and Time The date the camera was activated and starting recorded observations. Date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) 2011-04-10 16:00:00
Camera End Date and Time The date the camera was picked up. Date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) 2011-05-10 07:43:55
Person setting up the Camera First and last name of person setting up camera. String John Doe
Person picking up the Camera First and last name of person picking up the camera. String John Doe
Camera Make Manufacturer of camera. String
Camera Model Model of camera. String
Flash Numeric
Exposure Time Length of time digital sensor in camera exposed to light. In fraction of second. String 1/30
Sequence Info String P900DD11014965
Triplet Number String 1 of 10
Moon Phase Shape of the moon when photo was taken. String First Quarter
Temperature Temperature when photo was taken, in Celsius. Numeric 20
Protocol Version String Terrestrial Vertebrate-1
Data Set Creator Institutions Research institution of data set creator. String Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Data Set Creator Scientist First and last name of person who collected data. String John Doe
Data Set Contact First and last name of contact person. String John Doe
Data Level String Level 0

(Raw) Marin Camera Trap Data:

Camera trap data associated with the Marin project are available for each conservation area of interest in the form of three CSV files, labeled: Camera, Deployments, and Images.

Camera csv file

This file consists of technical specs of the camera equipment deployed in the field.

Form Value Definition Data Type Values List Example Required
Project ID An internal identification for the project. It should be a relatively short name that makes the project unique among other prorjects for the user or organization String None San Pablo Reserve Yes
Camera ID An internal identification that makes this camera unique among other camera traps. For example, some camera trap projects will label a camera with a code CT103. String None CT104 Yes
Make Manufacturer of the camera String None Reconyx Yes
Model The model of the camera String None H850 No
Serial Number The serial number of the camera trap. This can also be used as the Camera id. String None 12348571 No
Year Purchased Year the camera was purchased. Date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) None 2016-05-11 06:55:11 No

Deployments csv file

This file consists of experimental details for each camera trap deployment.

Form Value Definition Data Type Values List Example Reqiured
Project ID An internal identification for the project. It should be a relatively short name that makes the project unique among other prorjects for the user or organization String IDE Yes
Deployment ID Unique identifier for the camera deployment (within the project) String UND-012-D0001 Yes
Event Camera trap arrays can be grouped into sampling ‘events’ (not to be confused with events of animal detection by camera traps, see footnote). There are many uses for an event and is designed to be flexibly used. Common events could be seasons (wet and dry), months, years or other types of logical groupings when field sampling occurs. String No
Array Name A name for a logical grouping of deployments. This could be for thematic or logistical reasons. For example, all deployments north of the river will be in array "N" and those south will be in array "S" String No
Deployment Location ID A unique name for the location of the deploymentID. This name should be consistent across projects and time periods. This is useful for repeat sampling at the same location or when 2 or more cameras are associated with one location. String UND-012 Yes
Longitude Resolution Latitude of Deployment Location ID in decimal degrees using datum WGS84 Numeric -57.99257 Yes
Latitude Resolution Longitude Deployment Location ID in decimal degrees using datum WGS84 Numeric -23.73154 Yes
Camera Deployment Begin Date The date the camera was activated and starting recorded observations. This also marks the date a new SD card was inserted into a camera that is continuously operating. Date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) 2016-04-08 06:45:31 Yes
Camera Deployment End Date The date the camera was picked up OR the date the SD card was retrieved. Date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) 2016-05-11 06:55:11 Yes
Bait Type Type of bait used (if any)Type of bait that was used with camera; standardized list with No Bait and Other Bait options String None, Scent, Meat, Visual, Acoustic, Other None Yes
Bait Description Text field to describe baiting method and Other Bait type if necessary String
Feature Type Type of feature, if any, that camera deployment is associated with String Road paved, Road dirt, Trail hiking, Trail game, Road underpass, Road overpass, Road bridge, Culvert, Burrow, Nest site, Carcass, Water source, Fruiting tree, Other
Feature Type methodology String
Camera ID Camera ID (see Cameras tab) String Yes
Quiet Period Setting Time specified between shutter triggers when activity in the sensor will not trigger the shutter. Specified in minutes and fraction of minutes Numeric 0 to some maximum number Yes
Restriction on access An optional capacity to put restrictions on images coming from a deployment String No
Camera Failure Details Details the status of the camera after the named deployment; standardized list String Camera Functioning,Unknown Failure,Vandalism/Theft,Memory Card/Film Failure,Camera Hardware Failure,Wildlife Damage Camera Functioning Yes

Images csv file

This file consists of metadata of wildlife photos taken by the camera traps, as well as information produced by wildlife experts after examining the photos.

Form Value Definition Data Type Values List Example Required
Project ID See Cameras String IDE Yes
Deployment ID See Deployments String UND-012-D0002 Yes
Image ID Unique identifier for the image (within the project) String or numeric IMG1 Yes
Location Location of the image via a relative path String /images/CT-011/image01.jpg No
Photo Type Type of photo that was taken (e.g., Animal, Set-up) String or numeric Start, End, Setup, Blank, Animal, Staff, Unknown, Unidentifiable, Timelapse, Pickup Yes
Photo Type Identified by First and last name of the person who identified the photo type String John Doe Yes
Genus Species Latin name for a species (Genus and species) in the image String IUCN Red List for mammals and Birdlife International for birds + additional domestic and human types (e.g., tourist, park staff, etc) Yes, if Photo Type = Animal
Uncertainty The uncertainty for the image identification by the photo identifier String Absolutely sure, Pretty sure, Not sure, Dont know, Other No
IUCN Identification Number Identification number for IUCN or Birdlife or other supported taxonomic authority String No
Date_Time Captured Date and time an image was taken Date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) 2016-04-18 06:45:31 Yes
Age Age of animal String No
Sex Sex of animal String No
Individual ID Individual animal ID String No
Count Number of animal per species in the image Numeric Yes
Animal recognizable (Y/N) Was the animal recognizable? String Yes,No No
individual Animal notes Notes about the animal and/or the image itself String No

Conservation Area Shapefiles:

GIS shapefiles are currently used by the ShinyCamp app to define park boundaries associated with the Marin Project. See here for more information relating to shapefiles.

Species Taxonomy Data:

The ShinyCam app ingests data relating to species name, taxonomy, and conservation status from two CSV files:

  • taxonomy_scientific_name_20160813.csv
  • taxonomy_red_list_status_20160813.csv

Background information for this project is available here. (