-Program Problem 3
Assume that a completely trustworthy and perfect user comes along and will enter a 3 digit number into your program as you ask for it. Create a new empty project and make sure you have a header that includes both of your names on the project.
4. Using those and selection of some nature. Print out whether the Number is Ascending or Descending based on the fact that each number is less than or greater than the previous number.
5. Once this is done, go back over your code, and make sure you have comments so that your code is clearly understood by every member of the class.
Your Name - Date Period
Assignment Name : *
Brief Description of the Assignment
// Libraries
#include // gives access to cin, cout, endl, <<, >>, boolalpha, noboolalpha
#include <conio.h> // gives access to _kbhit() and _getch() for pause()
// Namespaces
using namespace std;
// Functions()
void pause() {
cout << "Press any key to continue . . ."; // Prints out the words onto the screen
while (!_kbhit());
cout << '\n';
void main() {
pause(); // pauses to see the displayed text